Part 2/ Chapter 6: A Request to I.M.P

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*WARNING : The author wants to ask you something important at the end of the chapter.*


It was hard to open your eyes this morning. It's been a while since you had slept well like that. You were reluctant to get up and work. The warmth and softness of the sheets was much more pleasant than the idea of cleaning the rooms or making breakfast.

You felt good.

So good that you could have almost fallen back asleep if a strange buzzing sound and a familiar smell hadn't caught your attention.

Very slowly you opened one eye and the sight of a red wallpaper alerted you that you were not in your room. Your muscles stiffened almost in an instant and you felt something around your waist, an arm.

You felt your mouth go dry.

Oh Lord what had you done?

Very slowly you turned around to see two red eyes in the shape of radio dials just a few inches from your face.

What was your reaction?

Screaming as you pulled yourself out of the grip of the radio demon and falling out of bed in your panic, waking Alastor in the process.

"What the hell Al!?" You screamed. Feeling your cheeks turn red.

The deer blinked several times and then flashed a smile at your outraged female face. He looked away condescendingly and conjured a cup of coffee in his hands.

"Good morning to you too Darling."

You could already feel the hairs on the back of your neck bristle with anger.

"W-Why am I-"

"Simply because you were exhausted and you didn't protest at all at the idea" Answered the deer while sipping his coffee with a casual look without losing his smile.

Your fury had subsided slightly when he briefly mentioned your fatigue from the previous night, and soon your angry ego gradually subsided, however you still remained bitter with what had happened.

"I wasn't in my normal state Alastor" You justified yourself as you readjusted your sleepwear and stood up. "You could have simply taken me back to my room and not brought me-"

"Would you have slept if I had?" Alastor asked in an almost innocent voice that made your teeth grind.

However, you knew he was right.


This time the deer turned its head towards you with a slightly friendlier face and replied.

"Perfect, to be honest with you, I see no reason to be so irritated when what happened yesterday was purely for your benefit my dear. It all had no other meaning and that will remain between us, won't it?"

A dreadful, and suffocating fear gripped you at the thought of Boris or Nik being made aware of what had happened yesterday. Almost immediately you shook your head, averting your eyes with embarrassment.


"Glad we're on the same page my dear." Suddenly his ears stiffened on his head, as if he had just remembered something "That reminds me. Despite the fact that you were able to sleep..." Oh hell no... "I doubt your body has been able to fully recover from the... 'abuse' you've been giving it for the past two weeks. So I think a few days off would do you a world of good" Alastor said, turning his head towards you.

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