Chapter 33: Fear

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The Bible says : "Those who plow iniquity, and sow trouble reap the same.". Was that what was going to happen? In all the exterminations that were about to happen, as Alastor told you, would you be judged for your crimes a second time? What would happen if you were caught? What would happen to Nikolai, Boris, Charlie, Vaggie and all your friends if you couldn't survive? What would happen to the hotel? Alastor wasn't going to help them forever, no, he was going to leave and leave them at some point... You knew his kind too well, much too well...

The ride back to the hotel was silent, nobody dared to say anything.

Alastor's words were dancing in your head like an old broken record.

"Unpredictable exterminations could occur at any time of year."

You shivered as you walked through the hotel doors. Vaggie helped poor Charlie, who had not stopped crying silently the whole way, to sit on the couch. The moth girl went into the kitchen and prepared a glass of water for her.

Nikolaï, who still hadn't let go of your hand, looked at you and asked.

"Y/N What exactly is going on?"

"Alastor told me there would be exterminations at irregular intervals."

"Why? Normally it's happening at New Year's Eve!"

Charlie, who had heard the boy's question, answered in a torn voice.

"... it... it's... it's when purgatory is overcrowded."

"When it's overloaded? I don't remember being in purgatory." Said the child.

"Few people remember it, it's a very trying time, and often, with the shock of arriving in hell we forget that part," Vaggie explained as Charlie took a sip of her water.

"And how is it that purgatory is overloaded like this? "You asked, "They should be prepared."

"It depends, on earth there hasn't been a big world conflict for a while so it happens that purgatory relaxes its vigilance from time to time, besides, there is another problem," Vaggie continued darkly "The number of sinners keeps increasing from year to year, I don't think I need to explain to you why Y/N, you saw a lot of things when you were working in the mafia, didn't you?"


Oh yes, you had seen it, you had seen how crazy humans were becoming, how radicalized they were, how individuals were dividing themselves into several boxes, defending their own person, rejecting the opinions of others that did not go their way.

Sex was trivialized in such a way that the feeling of love disappeared at a glance, you sometimes saw people going out together just to look "cool", honesty had disappeared to be replaced by the law of being and appearing.

It was a real macabre theatre where the human instead of asserting himself, disowned and despised his own differences.

Finally, more seriously, humans had locked themselves up so much in pigeonhole that some burned down churches, mosques, synagogues and other places of worship without any ulterior motive, harassed and oppressed those who were different, and carried out mass killings in the name of an ideology.

Oh yes, how many horrors had you seen? People became blind and deaf, and those who were not, went mad, it was so rare to see someone who was completely sane because society would crush his thought until he comform its demands or lost his mind.

Everybody was tearing each other apart, women, men, young people, elders, religious, atheists, lay people, white and black people, and the list was still so long...

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