Chapter 37 The Arrival of the Bird of ill omen.

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"Mom! Mom! Please stay with us! We need you daddy and me, don't leave us mom!"

"Stop being under my legs," Shouted the woman, violently pushing the child backwards, causing it to fall to the ground. "I don't want you. Do you think I'm going to stay in this dump when there's a nice house waiting for me? Oh please don't make me laughed." The woman said with a laugh, "I want a new life, a life where I matter to everyone, a life where I don't have a stupid girl who embarrasses me whenever I'm with friends from high society, a life where I'm not the poor and miserable Mrs. L/N." She approached the little girl, grabbed her by the shirt and dragged her to her face. "I want to get out of this, and if that means denying you and your father, so be it."

* * *

You suddenly opened your eyes and stood up in a sweat. Your eyes were wide open and stared at your legs hidden by the blue blankets of the bed in which you were lying. Your right hand stood up and moved slowly towards your head while your left hand touched your left knee which you had bent slightly.

You remained in this position for a few minutes without making a sound, and then you looked at your surroundings while your memories came back to you. The interview, the fight with Vox, the television studio about to collapse, the power cut, the return to the hotel... your discussion with Alastor.

You frowned with confusion, why couldn't you remember anything after talking to that deer? You were talking to him and then nothing, it was a black hole. You looked at your shadow with a cold look.

"What happened? "You asked, lying down without taking your eyes off your shadow.

Your shadow sat on the ceiling so that you could see it properly and then answered you using its hands.

"It was Alastor who brought you here, you fell asleep on top of him while he was talking." Your shadow explained with a smile, however it preferred to hide the fact that it was an extremely cute scene from her point of view.

Your eyes widened and then you snapped your hand over your face.

"What a fucking idiot... " You grunted "Why didn't you wake me up! " you asked as you were blushing. Your shadow seemed to panic for a brief moment and moved nervously "I'm sorry! I didn't know what to do, I thought it would make things worse if you woke up" The shadow replied.

You took a deep breath and angrily pinched the bridge of your nose. After a few seconds of reflection you came to the conclusion that your shadow was right. If it had woken you up, you would probably have yelled and slapped Alastor as a reflex before running into a room and never coming out. Yes, now that you think about it, it was probably the right thing to do...

"Next time you see I'm about to fall asleep, just keep me awake, that's all I ask."

Your shadow nodded with a friendly smile and then moved back to its place on the wall.

You looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table and noticed that it was already morning. You slowly got out of bed and took a quick shower to wake up. You noticed that your bruises and wounds had almost completely disappeared and were barely visible now. It was really a very good thing, you were a little afraid that you wouldn't be able to attend the party.


Once you were a little more presentable you went down to the ground floor to be greeted by Vaggie who seemed lost in thought.

"Hello Vaggie! " You said with a smile

The white-haired girl was startled by your voice and couldn't hold a little scream before turning to you.

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