Chapter 43: An Improvisation with the Radio Demon

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You couldn't move one iota. It was Lilith Magne, the queen of hell herself !

Your mouth slowly opened in shock and it was almost impossible for you to close it again. For once you didn't know how to react, did you have to get up to greet her? Let Charlie take matters into his own hands? Too much was going through your mind to make a quick decision.

You were completly stunned by all the presence that the queen radiated, her chin was raised with great pride and with a powerful audacity that would bring down the proudest demon in hell. Even Rosie did not emit such a powerful aura. No demon dared to support her gaze, only the Overlords like Valentino, Rosie or Velvet.

Fos who had arrived had already bowed respectfully, as had some of the guests.

You, for your part, had slowly stood up without taking your eyes off the queen. Luckily for you, she hadn't noticed you yet.

Charlie quickly came down from the stage and embraced her mother, crying with joy. At that moment you felt a strange feeling deep inside you.


Yes, it was a form of jealousy, you had to admit it. Of course you quickly shut down these negative waves that were devouring you from the inside. They had no reason to exist, Charlie had the right to have this chance that you hadn't had, there was nothing wrong with that. A child needed his mother and Charlie had a right to that, there was no reason to behave like an immature kid.

You took a deep breath and studied Lilith more closely.

Her black and purple dress was of a quality that could have made Rosie's clothes look 'cheap'. Her tall blonde hair was breathtakingly beautiful, worthy of a true distinguished queen, her skin was pure white, a skin that many women would envy perfection. The queen also had a pair of horns and wore a simple black crown on her head.

Her presence gave you a strange feeling. You felt really small, especially when the queen locked her eyes with yours for a moment.

At that moment, it was as if with a simple look she had sent you a tiny electric shock. A tiny part of her power. It was enough to make you uncomfortable... no... come on...admit it,

You were intimidated.

Lilith gave you a friendly smile and you responded by bowing in the most distinguished and respectful way you could. Lilith responded with a simple nod and then continued to chat with her daughter and Vaggie.

"Hum Y/N? "You heard Nikolai's voice.

"Yes my angel?»

"I wanted to tell you earlier, I saw Vox in the corridors of the hotel. He was bugging everywhere.

Your eyes widened with fear, Husk had simply raised an eyebrow with a distrustful look on his face.

"Look," Said the little Beagle, showing you a tiny little microphone. It was so small that Husk really had to squint to see it properly because of all the alcohol he had already drunk.

You looked worriedly at Nikolai and immediately got up to his height and placed your hands against his cheeks.

"Nik, sweetheart, where is Vox? Did He hurt you? "You asked seriously as you gently rubbed your thumbs against his cheeks.

"Nah don't worry Y/N" laughed the child. "Bambi saved my ass, he's talking to Vox right now in a room on the second floor".

The pressure that had built up in your chest decreased a bit when the little demon informed you that he wasn't hurt. Nevertheless you were not very comfortable with Alastor and Vox being alone in the same room.

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