Chapter 19 Just an advice: Don't betray her.

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It was about mid-afternoon, you had started the hotel renovations with Boris and Charlie by examining the various cracks that Nifty had mentioned. Alastor had repaired some of them yesturday but when you looked at the walls, the ceiling and even the floor in some places, you could see some of them.


"So, What do you think, Boris? " you asked.

"It's not good at all, my little boss. "He said, taking out a pair of glasses so they could look at one of her. "Alastor's going to have to use a little more of his power to fix this."

Charlie bites his nails quietly.

"What do you mean,? "Charlie asked with concern.

"Look," said Boris, pointing to some cracks. "Most of them look old and their opening is quite alarming, this one, for example, seriously damages the solidity of the building, when a crack comes out of the ground it's rarely a good sign, I've seen it on the lower floors, it absolutely must be repaired." He paused and moved on to another crack "Here look at this crevice, they are a few centimetres wide and are extremely dangerous." Boris placed a hand under his chin. "I also noticed that the wood on the floor was deformed, and that there was some sort of greenish residue. I wonder if there isn't some kind of fungus in some parts of the Hotel, I don't know how the flora works in Hell, so I can't say more. But one thing's for sure, the hotel floor doesn't look very reliable to me- "

"Ah my dear fellows! May I know what you're doing?"A static voice cut him.

You and Boris had looked away as Charlie gave a welcoming smile to the demon on the radio.

"Oh Alastor, Y/N was worried about the cracks Nifty had told her about, so she asked Boris if he could take a closer look at the hotel's architecture to tell us if there were any problems that needed to be fixed."


You could almost have sworn that Alastor gave a death stare to Boris. Indeed, the deer wasn't happy at all. This mutt had no role to play in this hotel, his only purpose was just to stay there and fail in his rehabilitation with his brother and nothing else. How dare he meddle in HIS business? It was HIS job to keep this hotel running, not his.

Why wasn't he told about that?

"Oh, but I doubt we should bother one of our guests. My dear Charlie, you should have called me-"

"I don't mind Alastor," Boris calmly replied with a smile that might have seemed sincere if you didn't know how easy it is for him to wear several masks. "Thank you for wanting to make sure I enjoy my stay here, but believe me, helping to develop the hotel satisfies me even more than just staying here."

You looked at the Wolf-dog with an admiring smile. It was well said and without any malice. You had always admired Boris's sense of diplomacy. He was much less sanguine than you, He always tried to take things calmly and thoroughly. The only time he could lose his temper was when there was a serious problem affecting his loved ones, but otherwise it took a lot to upset him.

Alastor had noticed that little look you had given to your friend, it was the first time he had seen that expression on your face. His smile tightened when he noticed that this gentle appreciative attitude wasn't meant for him.


And it drove him M A D


How could you give an ounce of interest to such a weak and dull person? What made him so special to make you take off that cold, emotionless woman's mask you wore every day?

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