chapter 70

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lauren arrived at the empty warehouse. she suited up, ready to fight and kill.

she walked in ready to meet someone... but no one was there. lauren walked around the place, trying to find someone but couldn't.

"well this sucks..." she said to herself.

all of a sudden there was screams. ear piercing screams. lauren quickly followed the sounds. she saw two guys in front of the person-- she guessed-- screaming.

she kicked in the door, grabbing the gun from behind her shooting both men in the shoulder. "ally?"

"lauren?" ally was covered in sweat and looked like shit.

lauren ran over to her, cutting her hands down.

"what are you doing here?" ally asked.

lauren chuckled, getting her hands free. "i could be asking you the same thing."

ally rubbed her wrist and mumbled thanks. "does camila know you're here?"

"yeah right. it what give her a fucking heart attack."

little did she know that camila was right behind her.

camila saw lauren's car parked in front. she got out and checked in the windows seeing nothing.... but one thing..

stupid lauren forgot to lock the doors and camila always scolded her for that.

camila grabbed the object from the seat. a gun. her eyes widened at the black weapon.

"what the fuck..." she whispered, inspecting it.

she held the gun tightly and ran inside the warehouse. she saw lauren helping limping ally out.

"lauren?" camila looked at her girlfriend.

"camila." lauren stared back.

"camila?" ally raised her eyebrow.

"ally?" camila gave the same look back.

"okay, okay, enough with the names." lauren let ally go. "what the hell are you doing here?"

lauren shook her head. "never mind that. take ally and get out of here!"

"what was this doing in your car?" camila showed her the gun, ignoring her demand.

"camila! i dont have time to answer questions! just go please!" lauren yelled, frustrated.

"no." camila crosses her arms. "what is going on here? and ally what happened to you?"

"jesus christ camila! get-" lauren was stopped by slow claps. "tyler...."

"tyler? the boy thats been texting you?" camila asked. "what is this?"

"nice job lauren. very well done." tyler said. "i see you killed two of my men. its only fair if i kill two of you."

"lauren..." camila grabbed lauren's shirt, getting scared. "who is this?"

ally clung onto camila. she thought she was going to die.

"the only one dying tonight is you." lauren said boldly and cocked her gun.

tyler laughed harshly. "have you forgotten? i have an army babe." he snapped his fingers.

people came out of every corner surrounding them. all of them camila and lauren knew.

zac, austin, ryder, jai, luke, aaron, haleigh, erica, hannah and others.

"luke?" camila squeaked.

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