chapter 51

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as Camila said, she wasn't leaving, so she didn't. She had been outside Lauren's door for at least almost 2 hours. She had used her phone to keep her occupied.

Camila groaned when she felt her stomach growl. She didn't want to leave the door- then Lauren would've thought she won.

She quickly turned around once she heard the door click open. She saw a hand reach out with a plate. Camila smiled, grabbing the plate, then the door closed.

Camila read the sticky note attached to the plate.

I know you. You can't last a hour without food. I had left over pizza, so you can have it.

Camila smiled. Lauren had taken the time to warm the pizza.

"Thanks Laur." Camila shouted through the door. She slightly frowned when she didn't hear a reply- but she didn't expect one.

Camila ate her pizza quietly, scanning her on phone which was about to die. She mentally slapped herself for not grabbing her charger as well.

She smirked to herself when she came up with a clever idea.

"Lauren?" She called. "Can I have something to drink."

Moments later the door opened with a can of coke in the view.

Camila took that time to act quick. She shoved her arm in the small opening pushing open the door, crawling through the space before Lauren could close it.

"Shit." Lauren cursed herself for being so stupid.

"Now that's settled..." Camila smoothed out her shirt, looking up at Lauren.

"There's nothing to talk about, and you need to get out." Said Lauren.

"No Lauren. We need to talk about this!" Camila protested.

"Why?!" Lauren screamed back.

"Because I love you Lauren! That's what I'm trying to get through! You need to understand that!" Camila yelled.

"Well maybe I don't love you." Lauren said calmly.

"W-What.." Camila felt her world break apart even more. (if there were anymore pieces left.)

"Maybe I don't love you." Lauren repeated.

"H-How can y-you-you say that?" Camila's lip trembled.

"Because it's the truth Camila. Now you need to go." Lauren pointed to the door.

Camila looked at Lauren with watery eyes.

This was it. They were truly over. Camila lost the war; but more important she lost Lauren.

Lauren watched her ex girlfriend leave slowly. But she still could see her as if she standing right in front of her.

Her vision blurred. She sat down crying into her hands. She was tired of crying. Lauren ran slowly to her mirror and looked at herself.

Her face was tear stained, as tears just kept coming down. She looked like shit.

She started putting on her make up, then did her hair--- looking like gold again.

"I can do this." Lauren told herself over and over. She put on a smile, satisfied with herself.

But deep down she was just as fragile as a champagne glass.

Bad Romance // camrenWhere stories live. Discover now