chapter 35

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Lauren was so distracted with Camila, she forget she had left her phone at her apartment. She fumbled with finding her keys.

"Need help?"

Lauren jumped back and turned around. It was Hannah.

Lauren rolled her eyes. "Don't you have somewhere to be?"

Hannah rocked on her heels. "Nope." She smiled , annoying Lauren.

"Look sweetie, run back to whatever hell hole you and your sister came from... Im thinking TrampCity?" Lauren snickered.

"Ugh. Go to hell Lauren Jauregui." Hanna flipped her off before walking away.

"I'm already there babe!" Lauren called before finally unlocking her door.

Lauren huffed when she slammed her door, she checked her phone seeing she had 27 missed calls for Zac- but she ignored them. Instead she flopped on her couch. She didn't realize she was so tired.

"Aww is my baby tired?"

Lauren jumped as she opened her eyes. "What the fuck are you doing in my house?"

Haleigh smirked as she inched closer to Lauren. "You were too busy playing house with Camila, you forgot about me." Her fingers crept up Lauren's thigh.

Lauren quickly swatted her hand away. "How the fuck did you get in here anyway?"

Haleigh knew must of Lauren's weaknesses. She continued to rub on Lauren. "Does it really matter?"

Lauren felt her sexual frustrations grow. "Kinda.." She breathed out.

Haleigh crawled up to Lauren's lips as her hand swept into her pants gently rubbing her princess parts. Lauren's breathe hitched.

"Don't you miss this baby?" Haleigh whispered seductively, while she played with Lauren.

Lauren didn't reply, instead she sat up and tore Haleigh's shirt apart (since she was wearing a button down shirt). Lauren attacked Haleigh with kisses, trailing down her neck to her stomach.

Everything had vanished from her mind. Even Camila. Lauren was only focusing on the sex she was about to have. Because that's all she cares about right?

ally stared at herself in the mirror. She had dark bags under her eyes from loss of sleep. And Camila and her accident weren't helping.

She looked down when she heard the 2 beeps. 2 bars showed on the screen.

"Crap." She muttered running her fingers through her hair.

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