chapter 13

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Camila found her way to the room she was instructed to go to. When she got there she saw Dinah and Normani already there.

"What are you guys doing here?" Camila's eyes widen as she dropped her bags and went over to her friends.

"We got a note." They both handed over their notes and Camila read both of them.

"Wow. Why are we here anyway?" Camila asked.

"I don't know, the note didn't say." Normani shrugged.

"Well, well, well, if isn't my road dogs."

The girls turned their head and the smiles on their faces instantly grew.

"Ally!" They charged towards the small girl getting into a huge hug.

"Allycat!" Camila squeezed her tightly.

"What are you doing here?!" Dinah stared at the older one in front.

"College wasn't for me. Especially without my girls." Ally pulled them back in a hug. "I've missed you guys so damn much."

"We missed you too."

Out of nowhere someone cleared their throat. The 4 broke apart.

"Am I interrupting something?" Lauren asked.

"What are you doing here?" Normani got in front like you was a momma bear and the rest of the girls were her cubs.

"Probably the same reason why you guys are here." Lauren said sitting in the teachers desk, propping her feet up.

"Did you get the note?" asked Camila.

"Yes I did Sweet Cheeks."

Camila rolled her eyes. She was getting annoyed of Lauren, but at the same time she wasn't.

"Surprised you even showed up." Ally muttered.

"Oh look at that. The short one's back!" She pretended to be amused by sitting up.

Ally growled squinting her eyes. "Bitch."

Lauren winked in return to her word.

"Lauren Jauregui to your seat." A voice came from the door.

Now all 5 turned their attention to the new person coming in. It was an older lady, but not too old- maybe like 25-28.

"Now." She said more aggressively

making Lauren roll her eyes and sit in an empty chair. "Good we're all here."

"Who are you?" Lauren asked rudely earning cold glares from the others.

"Good question... My name is Jessica Lovato. Now you all are probably wondering why you here. I'll tell you why- Each one of you in here has a special talent."

The girls each shared glances at each other, not knowing what she meant.

"Let me clarify." Jessica coughed. "I chose the 5 of you specially. I've watched you. With the schools permission of course, I'm not a creeper." She laughed.

They still weren't catching on, all of them still confused on what was happening.

She sat on top of the desk and picked up a file.

"Normani Kordei Hamilton, Lauren Michelle Jauregui, Allyson Brooke Hernandez, Karla Camila Cabello Estrabo, Dinah Jane Hansen Amasio. You all have been selected to form a musical girl group."



no other words 😂

Well thanks for over 700 reads! Thanks guys.

& I'm feeling bad for Camila. All the hate she's getting from just a fucking photo with Austin. Im not too keen with Austin or whatever , but I can't admit they're kinda cute.


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