chapter 44

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"Holy shit! This party is awesome!" Camila yelled over the music when her, Lauren, and Dinah walked in.

"You miss out, when you don't come to parties Camila." Dinah laughed.

"What?!" Lauren gasped at Camila. "You've never been to a party?" Lauren kept going when Camila shook her head. "So what made you want to come now?"

"Well I gotta have some type of story tell our kids, later right?" Camila winked at her.

Lauren blushed dark red. Camila wanted to have kids with her?

"Come on, lets go." Camila smiled before grabbing Lauren's hand, walking through the crowd.

"Ayeeeee!" Luke grabbed Lauren's hand pulling her to him. "You made it! What changed your mind?"

Lauren gestured over towards Camila.

"Hey Camila." Luke waved.

"Hi Luke." Camila replied back.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm good." Camila nodded.

Luke nodded back. "Well that's good."

"We'll see you around Luke." Lauren said to ease the awkward.

"Well that was weird." Camila said.

"I know." Lauren nodded. "Wanna go dance?" She asked as Shower was playing

"Yes, I love this song!" Camila smiled grabbing Lauren to the dance floor.

The 2 danced- but not in a sexual way, more like two friends; playing around-- kind of way.

"I can't dance!" Camila whined over the music.

"You're doing fine!" Lauren assured her.

Camila shrugged, and kept enjoying her time with Lauren.

"Aye Lauren." Some boy nudged her.

"Aaron!" Lauren smiled hugging him. "Hey!"

"Hey! I didn't know you were here." Aaron smiled at Lauren.

"Well I am!" Lauren laughed.

Camila watched Lauren and Aaron have their moment. But Camila had no idea who he was.

"Oh!" Lauren forgot about Camila standing there. "Camila this Aaron- my boyfriend. My first boyfriend..."

"Oh." Camila said awkward. "Hi."

"And Aaron. This is my girlfriend Camila." Lauren went on.

"Well I wish I could say I've have heard a lot about you." Aaron chuckled.

"Yeah same here." Camila sarcastically smiled.

Camila could admit- Aaron was cute. He had amazing curly hair, a mole on his cheek, and dimples. He was really cute.

"Where have you been?" Lauren slapped Aaron in the arm.

"First, ow!" He laughed rubbing his arm. "You've gotten stronger over the years. And I've been here- if you didn't get as much trouble, you would have know."

Lauren rolled her eyes playfully scoffing. "Oh come on. You got in as much trouble as me." She laughed

"Guilty, guilty." Aaron threw his hands up in the air in surrender, laughing still. "You got me there."

Camila had enough of them and walked off to find Dinah. She found her by one of the keg stands.

"Hey!" She smiled. "You don't like you're having fun."

Bad Romance // camrenWhere stories live. Discover now