chapter 33

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sorry I got the chapter numbers mixed up ):


Everyone was losing faith in Camila. It's almost been 2 weeks and she still hasn't woken up.

"What's taking so long?!" Normani yelled at one of Camila's doctors.

"We're doing the best we can-"

"Well your best is good enough!" Normani interrupted. Dinah pulled her away helping her calm down.

It was just Lauren, Ally, Normani and Dinah in the hospital. Sinu had left to take care of things at the house.

"I still blame her." Normani whispered to Dinah but Lauren heard it. Like she yelled it.

Lauren got up and went into Camila's room. She spent most of her time in there. Holding her hand and hoping she'd wake up.

"Hey baby girl." Lauren greeted the unconscious being. She took her usual seat next to Camila's bed. "I miss you. Come back."

Lauren has cried so much that she doesn't think there's anymore tears.

"I need you Camila!" Lauren yelled at her. "Fucking come back! You've always been so fucking stubborn!" Aggression was now taking over Lauren. She was tired of seeing Camila like this. "Fucking wake up! Stay with me!"

Camila didn't respond. Like usual.

Lauren huffed and dropped her hand, while pacing in front of her bed. "I fucking hate you Cabello! I hate that everyday you make me love you!" She kept going on. "God Camila. I hate that I fucking love you so much. But you're not even awake to hear this bullshit." Lauren scoffed. "You drive me so crazy. You made me soft Camila. I never want to be soft. Fucking hell Camila! Come the fuck back to me!" Lauren screamed at her.


Lauren snapped her head so quickly she thought she got whiplash.

It was Camila's heart monitor. It beeped! Lauren quickly ran to Camila's side.

"Camz?" She placed her hand on Camila's cheek gently.

It beeped again. Something was going on.

Lauren saw her hand twitch. Then another finger, then her foot, then her other hand, until finally...

She opened her eyes.

Bad Romance // camrenWhere stories live. Discover now