chapter 66

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Lauren sat in her apartment alone. Camila had to go back home because Sofia was sick and her parents were at work.

She lost focus when someone knocked on her door.

"Hey!" She smiled when she saw who it was.

"Hi babe." Ryder stepped towards Lauren to give her a hug.

"What are you doing here?" Lauren asked.

"Just decied to drop by... I havent seen you at the clubs lately."

Lauren slightly turned red and smiled. "That's because I've been spending time with my girlfriend."

Ryder smirked. "Ah yes. The famous Camila. Is she here?"

"Um no." Lauren shook her head. "She's at home."

Ryder nodded as she walked around Lauren's apartment. "Well I miss being the dynamic duo.." She pouted.

"I dont know..."

"Oh come on!" She whined. "Like you said your girlfriend isnt here- so lets go have funnnnnn."

Lauren nodded- finally giving in, makimg Ryder cheer. "Jauregui is back!"

Ryder pulled Lauren out her apartment, she pulling her down the stairs. They soon came to a stop at an innerstate bridge.

"What are we doing here?" Lauren asked.

"We're going to flash the driver really quick!" She said laughing.

"What? Is this is what you brought me out for?"

"No. But we're almost at the place, but why not have fun on the way there. Now lift up your fucking shirt."

Lauren shook her head at her friend as she put her fingers on the ends of her shirt ready to pull it up.

"1...2...3!" Ryder counted down.

The two pulled up the shirts, exposing their breasts. Lauren swore she saw a few cars stop. Ryder pulled her shirt back down laughing her ass off.

"Oh my god! I saw a few expression! They were hilarious!" She kept giggling.

Lauren laughed along with her.

"Oh come on. We need to go." Ryder grabbed her hand once more and started pulling her again.

"Where are we going now?!" Lauren asked. But didnt get an answer.

"Ryder, why are we here?" Lauren asked another question when her and Ryder stopped at an empty warehouse.

"Nice to see you again Lauren." A thick British accent spoke from the darkness.


"Tyler..." Lauren said softly. She knew she was in deep shit. She turned to Ryder. "You brought me here?" She spat.

"I'm so sorry." Ryder frowned and looked back and forth between Lauren and Tyler.

"Where's my stuff Lauren?" He asked, walking into the light.

"I dont have it." She sqeaked.

Tyler wrapped his big hand around Lauren's throat. "You steal my stuff, sell it and you have nothing to give back. Fucking. Fantastic."

Lauren gulped but didnt say a word.

"Now follow me..." He pushed her towards a board full with pictures. Most of them are were pictures of her, Dinah, Ally, Normani and Camila.

"W-What is this?" Lauren took a look around the board.

"See I've been following your little buddies around. Not just you... Your little girlfriend is hot when she showers." The smirk on his face grew.

"I swear to God, I'll fucking kill you." Lauren bucked at him.

"Watch it." He said sternly. "As I was saying... I've been targeting your little friends. One by one, I'll kill them all. I've already started."

"Started? On who? Who did you kill?"

Tyler smirked. He let go of Lauren and let her walk towards the board to get a closer look. There she saw a picture of body lying in a pool of her own blood.

"Oh my god!" She covered her mouth in shock when she realized who it was. "Thats Ms. Lovato!"

"Indeed it is. How is your little singing group gonna come together now?"

"You fucking monster!" Lauren yelled at him.

"Now you know I'm serious!" Tyler barked. "Get my stuff or I kill one. by. one."

Lauren didn't say a word. She looked back at the board. She squinted her eyes, trying to get a better look. "Why is Normani separated from the rest?"

He still smirked. "Because I'm working on a special project for her." He took a seat an empty chair. "You see Lauren, all the people you've made "friends" with, I own. They're friends with you because of me.. Like Ryder here."

Lauren turned to Ryder. She avoided Lauren's gaze.

"2 weeks Lauren. That's all I'm giving you. Now get the fuck out my face.. Ryder, take her."

Ryder nodded and grabbed Lauren. "Lets go.." she said softly, tugging her.

"Don't touch me." Lauren mumbled and yanked her arm away.

The walk back to Lauren's was silent.

"Lauren... I'm sorry." Ryder said when they got to the door.

"Shut the fuck up." Lauren fumbled for her keys.

She got the door opened and there stood Camila.

"Lauren, where have- oh... who is this?" Camila said when she noticed Ryder.

"Camila this is Ryder. Ryder- Camila." Lauren said bluntly.

"Hi.." Ryder spoke softly.

"Hello..." Camila returned the wave.

"Well um bye Ryder." Lauren said and started to close the door on that. She sighed and looked up at Camila, who was a bowl of mixed emotions.

"Who was that?" Camila raised her eyebrow.

"Um. Ryder."

"Ugh no." She rolled her eyes. "Like who was she?"

"Old friend. She just came by to go out.... I though Sofia was sick." She changed the subject.

"My parents came home. Where have you been?" She changed the subject back.



"Camila please-" Lauren stopped her. She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "I really just want to lay down and rest. A lot has happened..... now just please come hug me." She said her last words in tears.

"Baby, whats wrong?" Camila quickly ran over to her girlfriend, grabbing her into a hug.

Lauren held Camila tight crying into her shoulder. "I'm so sorry."

"For what?" Camila rubbed her back.

Lauren pulled away and ran her fingers over Camila's cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Lauren pulled her back into a hug and mumbled. "Please don't let those be your last words."

Camila perked up, hearing Lauren. But she didn't question it. She just kept hugging her.

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