chapter 53

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"another one." a drunk camila slurred.
"I think that's enough." Aaron said, pushing away Camila's drink.
"I said another one." Camila glared.
"Look Camila, I like you. You're a nice girl. I think Lauren would kill me if she found out I have you drunk... she would kill." He chuckled.
"Lauren doesn't care about me." Camila shrugged. "Like she said she doesn't care about me anymore."
"I'm pretty sure she didn't mean it." Aaron started. "I know Lauren. She didn't mean it."
"You know what?"
"We should go out. You're cute, and I'm pretty sure it'd drive Lauren wild." Drunk Camila thought.
Aaron chuckled harder this times. "I think my girlfriend would have something to say about that."
"Damn." She cursed. "Well I should get going."
"You're not going anywhere at this time of night. Let me at least drive you home." He offered to make sure she was safe.
"No no." Camila held up her hand. "I got it. I'm fine." She stumbled over her feet.
"Yeah... I don't think you do." He grabbed his keys, guiding Camila to his car.
"Why are you being so nice to me?" Camila asked him.
Aaron shrugged. "Because you're letting me."
Camila shrugged getting into some dude she barely knows car.
"Where do you live?" Aaron asked, getting into his own car.
"Um around there and here and there, and double left taking two loops." Camila said not making any sense
"Yeah... I'll just drive around until you spot out where you live."
Aaron and Camila ended up driving around for 20 minutes until camila finally shouted out.
"This is my house!"
"This house?" Aaron asked for clarification.
"I just fucking said that." Camila got out rolling her eyes.
Aaron laughed getting out too, walking Camila to er doorstep.
"I'm home bitches!" Camila screamed through the closed door.
Aaron laughed so hard he thought he was going to die from lack of breath. He knocked on the door, that Sinu answered.
"Camila?" Her eyes went straight to her daughter.
"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey." Camila stumbled in.
"What on earth happened?" Sinu asked Aaron.
"Long story short- she got drunk so I drive her home." Aaron explained to her mother.

"Oh." Sinu nodded. "Thank you."

"I'll take her upstairs.." Aaron said before walking Camila up the stairs.

"Who lives here?" Camila asked.

"You live here." Aaron laughed for like the billionth time tonight.

"Ooh I want to live in a house like this one day." Camila looked around and sat on her bed, laughing for no reason. "Maybe with Lauren." Camila's laughter was soon replaced with a frown. "But we're not together anymore..." A few tears formed in Camila's eyes.

Aaron frowned staring at her.

Camila chuckled wiping her tears. "I know what you're probably thinking. Why is she still crying? Why am I still crying?" More tears came down. "Crying isn't going to make her love me again... It just still hurts" This time she burst out into tears, crying harder.

"Hey. I know Lauren still loves you." Aaron said taking a seat next to Camila.

"Tell me about your girlfriend." Camila said.

"Okay um... well her name is Amelia." Aaron started.

"What else?" Camila asked looking at him.

"Um.. She's been teaching me to play the piano, and I suck ass at it." He chuckled making Camila smile. "She gets this cute, serious look in her face when she plays, so that's mostly why I take then "lessons"" Aaron smiled at Camila.

"What does she look like?"

"She had brown hair with blonde highlights. Carmel skin, She wears glasses, which I think she looks adorable in but, she thinks otherwise."

"Do you love her?" Camila asked.

Aaron nodded. "Yeah. I do. A lot."

"Good." Camila said. "Don't ever tell her you don't love her... even if you guys do break up. It still hurts like a bitch."

Aaron nodded, patting Camila's leg. "Well I gotta get going. You stay out of trouble."

"No promises." Camila teased, and Aaron smiled before saying goodbye.

Camila felt alone again. She stared at the wall in front of her.

At one picture.

Her and Lauren.

She slowly walked over towards it.

It was a time they went to go get ice cream and Lauren was watching Camila while she ate.

She smiled at the picture before taking it off the wall.

"Just a memory that needs to be forgotten." Camila said as she ripped the picture in half, throwing it in the trash can.

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