chapter 31

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It was silent. No one said a word. Lauren looked at Camila's family.

She noticed Camila's little sister Sofia. She was clingly onto Normani. You could little tears forming in her eyes.

Lauren then looked back over at Camila. She laid lifelessly on the bed with a breathing mask over her face. Lauren didn't quite know what they were doing to her.

"Lauren?" Camila's dad called.

"Yes sir?" Lauren swallowed. For some reason she was a bit nervous around Alejandro.

"What are you doing here? I thought I told you not to come around?" He stared codly at her.

"Alejando..." Sinu scolded her husband. "Now's not the time."

"No Sinu!" He yelled making everyone jump. "Now is the time! My daughter is here because of you." He pointed a finger towards Lauren.

Usually Lauren's temper would've been over the roof. She hated people like him, who constantly judged and blamed her. But it wasn't

"I'm sorry." Lauren said quietly.

"What?" Alejandro said.

"I'm sorry." Lauren sould a bit louder. "I'm sorry. I know this is my fault. I really wish I never met Camila, but then again I'm happy she did. She's basically one person that cares about me.."

"But Lauren... Yout never let anyone take care of you." Ally said. "Maybe if you'd loosen up a bit people could help you."

Lauren shook her head. "I'm afraid its too late for that."

Another person walked into the waiting room turning everyone's head. It was Luke.

"Luke?" Normani questioned.

"Oh hell no!" Dinah jumped up. "You sure got some guts comin' up here." She inchde forward, but was held back by Normani. "You better be lucky we have witnessess."

Lauren stood up and quickly ran over to Luke, dragging him away slightly.

"What are you doing here?!" She whispered-yelled.

"I came to see if Camila was alright." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Oh yeah Luke. She just got hit by a fucking car, of course she's okay!" Lauren said out of sarcasm.

"What are you even doing here Lauren?" Luke kept a hard gaze on her. "You don't even like Camila... well from what I've been told for years at least."

"You don't know shit Hemmings." Lauren barked

Luke chuckled and shook his head. "Wow." was all he kept saying. "That's why you didn't want me with Camila! You fucking liked her!"

"And because you would hurt her Luke! I know you! You're just a fucking player. Always have. always been!" Lauren yelled. "It's more your fault Luke!"

"No Lauren. It's your fault. You wouldn't talk to her. You should've seen her face everyday. She hasn't smiled in 2 weeks. All becuaseof you. And you worried about me breaking Camila's heart... you shoulod have worried about yourself. You're not so perfect either Jauregui." He brushed againsnt Lauren's shoulder while leaving.

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