chapter 21

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"Ready?" Erica asked Lauren.

Lauren nodded as she pulled the mask over her face.

She turned when she heard a stick snap. She pointed the gun at the frightened girl.

"Yo chill! That's Hannah, shes with us." Erica put her hand in front of Lauren.

"Next time Hannah is it?  Don't be so fucking stupid and make another mistake like that. I could've blown your brains out."

Hannah gulped and nodded. Lauren could tell this was her first time, because she had been the same way. Scared and Nervous.

"Okay. Game plan. Hannah, you hold the cash register at gun point, while Lauren and I grab the money and other stuff." Erica said as the other girls nodded. "Don't forget this isn't the only store we're doing.. So be fast."

Lauren nodded again as she looked over at Hannah who fumbled with her gun. She studied her features.. She looked oddly familiar.

"Hannah?" Lauren making her look up and reply with "Hm?' "Do you have a sister or brother?"

"Um yeah. I have a sister, her name is Haleigh."

Lauren's eyes went wide. Of course! She looked like a younger version of Haleigh.

"She said you'd be surprised." Hannah said noticing Lauren's expression.

"You know your sister's a bitch right?"

Hannah's face hardened as she stood up straighter- fixing her posture. "Then why'd you fuck her?"

"You little!-" Lauren picked up her gun.

"HEY BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Erica yelled. "This will fail because the both of you! And I'm not going to jail! So both of you get your shit together before I blow both of your motherfucking brains out! Got it?"

Hannah nodded while Lauren looked at her nail polish. Erica didn't scare her, if Erica tried to shoot her Lauren was quicker, and would've killed her instead.

Don't mess with Jauregui.

"I swear if she says anything else to me, I will kill her. Im not afraid to go back to jail." Lauren said putting her gun back. "By the way tell your sister she was terrible and ive had better," She smirked winking, as she turned on her heels.

The 3 girls pulled the masks over their faces. 





They robbed 4 stores successfully.

"THAT'S RIGHT BITCHES, LAUREN JAUREGUI STRIKES AGAIN." Lauren yelled as they ran to the fifth store.

The others laughed as they entered the gas station.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way." Lauren said. She shoot the ceiling scaring the clerk. "You know the drill, put the money in the bag, or get shoot" Lauren smiled evilly. "Your choice love."

The clerk nodded nervously while she started putting the money in Lauren's bag. "Hurry the fuck up!" Lauren yelled. She didn't care about what Erica and Hannah were doing.

She grabbed the bag and ran out, 

"Oh fuck." Lauren eyes widened. 

Next thing the girls knew they were on the ground.  All the three were having handcuffs placed on them.

Lauren was stood up. "Nice seeing you again Lauren."

Lauren rolled her eyes. "Fuck off John." She was placed in a cop car.

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