chapter 9 Part 1

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The bell rang while Camila was still putting up her books in her locker.

"Crap!" She muttered trying to hurry up. She slammed her locker and tried running to class.

A hand reached out and grabbed her pulling her into a closet. She screamed her way in.

"Lauren?!" She yelled again once she saw the face that pulled her in.

"Are you going out with Luke Hemmings?" She asked.


Lauren groaned and tightened her grip on Camila's arm. "Are you or are you not - going on a date with Lucas. Robert. Hemmings."

"I am." Camila tried holding back her smile. She kept thinking about where Luke was taking her, and how perfect it was gonna be.

"Well don't." Lauren said snapping her out her thoughts.


"Don't go out with Luke. Or else."

And with that Lauren left; leaving Camila stranded in the closet room, confused.

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