chapter 7

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Camila didn't get out of bed the next day.

How could Ally just leave like that? ' How selfish could she be? 'Camila kept thinking.

"Camila honey?" Sinu used her knuckle to knock on the door.

Camila sat up from her pillow to look at her mother.

"You can't stay in bed all day." her mom sat next to her on her bed.

"Why not?" she laid her head back on her pillow refusing to look at her mother

"It's not what Ally would've wanted." Sinu rubbed her daughters back soothingly.

"Screw Ally. And you're making it seems like she's dead." Camila held her pillow tighter.

"No Karla you are." Camila sat up when she heard her mother say that. "You're siting and mopping around, she's gonna come back."

"But Ma.... she just left us. All that's left of her was a text. A stupid text Ma. Who fucking does that?!" Camila yelled.

"Language Karla Camila." Her mom said sternly.

"Sorry." she mumbled.

"Lunch is ready whenever you're ready to eat." And with that Sinu left her room.

Ally : heyy Milz (: I hope you're not mad. I know you were sad that I was leaving and to just leave like that was incredibly rude and I'm sorry. I love you okay? I'll talk to you whenever I can, love ya! (: :*

Camila stared at her text on her cell phone screen. She scanned over it many of times wondering if she should reply.

Camila : guys did you get a text from Ally?

Normani : I did

Dinah : so did I

Camila : I'm too upset to talk to her.

Normani : for once... I agree with you mila

Dinah : I talk to her. She said she's extremely sorry ):

Normani : yeah, but still doesn't fix anything...

Camila put down her phone while she let her friends argue about the Ally Situation.

Her thoughts were soon interrupted when her phone started singing.

"Hello?" Camila answered without checking the Caller ID.

"Camila? It's me, Luke."

She instantly felt her heart drop. How did Luke get her number?! She completely wanted to flip out, but she decided to go cool.

"Oh hey Luke."

"Not gonna ask me how I got your number?" He laughed.

"Okay then, how'd you get my number?" She laughed with him.

"Your friend Ally gave it to me."

Camila's body froze. "Oh did she?"

"Yeah. Hope that's alright." Luke said awkwardly.

"It's fine." Camila giggled.

Camila and Luke ended up talking the whole night. What about? Pointless shit. Stuff going on about the world, school, each other. Music lots if music talk. Luke might have even asked her out.

When they hung up Camila stared at Ally's contact wondering if she should call. She did- but it went to voicemail.

Camila took a deep and closed her eyes before saying her message.

"Hey Ally, it's Camila. Um I just wanted to say thanks for giving Luke my number, uh..... we talked all day." Camila took a long pause before sighing again. "I know you haven't been gone long but it feels like you've been gone for years. I really miss you Allyson. Um hope it's going good for you. I love you, bye." She hung up. { awww Camally moment <3 }


awwwww who loved that Camally moment right there? Sad Ally left like that.

Anyway until next time ! Love you guys ! 😘

ps ; I've been trying to start up my other books. (:

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