chapter 60

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After hanging out for awhile Jai dropped Lauren back home.

"Thanks, see you tomorrow." Lauren said goodbye and walked up the stairs to her apartment. She was exhausted and ready to fall asleep in her bed.

She literally jumped out her skin when she saw a figure in her bed. But she realized it was Camila.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Lauren said to herself.

Lauren reached over ready to wake her up- but she stopped. She decided to let her sleep then kick her out in the morning. Lauren kissed Camila's cheek. "Night Camz."

Lauren grabbed a pillow and a blanket and headed to the couch.


Camila woke up in a (un) familiar bedroom scene. She then remembered she slept in Lauren's bed. But did Lauren not come home? She walked out the bedroom to see Lauren on the couch laying down, watching tv.

"Hi." Lauren said not looking away from the tv. She could tell Camila was standing there.

"Hi..." Camila said quietly- a little embarrassed.

"So you break into my house, sleep in my bed, and now you're quiet?" Lauren raised her eyebrow.

Camila was speechless. She didn't know what to say.

"Why were you here anyway?" Lauren asked.

"I-I-I don't know.." It wasn't a lie. Camila didn't even really know why she was here.

Lauren nodded her head- not buying Camila's excuse. "Okay."

Camila ran over to Lauren, hoping in her arms for no apparent reason, she startled Lauren.

Camila started crying in Lauren's shoulder. "I miss you Laur." She wept.

Lauren rubbed her back. Now she was the one who didnt know what to say. "Camz..."

"Lauren, I love you so much." Camila confused pulling away, staring into her eyes.

"I love you too Camila."

"Take me back?" Camila looked at her with guilty eyes.



im so sorry this chapter was v v v v shitty.

its 2 am im tired and i wanna choke the shit out of my cheap ass laptop

so heres a crappy short chapter.


LOVE YALL MWAH !!!!!11!!!!11!!!!!

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