Chapter 4

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Camila woke up to the annoying buzz of her alarm.

"Fuck." she groaned wiping her eyes. She looked next to her seeing her little sister already gone.

She got up to get ready for the day. First she did her morning routine; brush her teeth, wash her face, take a quick shower, pick out her clothes, do her hair and clip it with boy.

Her outfits usually consist of skirts and shirts.
She left her hair wavy and put in a small pink bow.

"Karla, do you want some breakfast before you go?" her mom called as she saw her walking down the stairs.

"Mommmmmmm you know I hate it when people call me Karla, and no. Ally's getting me a egg mcmuffin."

Her mom chuckled and kissed the top of her head. "Have a good day, Karla"

"Mom." Camila whined walking out the door.

Camila jogged over to Ally's car, hurrying up to make sure they're not late to school.

"Here's your muffin." Ally handed it to her once she got settled him.

"Thanks Al, love you bunches." Camila blew her an air kiss.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Ally laughed taking off.

Camila was the only one that didn't have a car, but she was hoping her parents would get her a car for her 17th birthday.

"Ally, I'm gonna miss you getting me breakfast." Camila pouted taking a bite out of her delicious muffin.

"I know, Mila." Ally frowned.

Since Ally was a senior, she'd be leaving for college next year, while the rest of the girls still had a year left.

"I'm gonna miss you so much. Why'd you choose a college in Texas?"

"I wanna move back to Texas, and you know it's always been my dream to to UOH."

Camila ended slumping in her seat in thought of her best friend leaving to a different state and forgetting about them.

"Ahh Mi. It's gonna be okay, I won't forget y'all." The older one seemed to have read the younger ones mind.

The rest of the car ride was silent except for some country song playing lowly from the radio.

"Hey Cam, Ally." Dinah greeted once she saw them walk into the school.

"Hey I'll catch you guys later, I have to turn in an assignment for Mrs. Fuller, see ya at lunch!" Ally called before running up the stairs to find her 1st period classroom.

"That girl always in a rush to turn in her work." Dinah chuckled.

"Of course she has to keep her grades up for collage. You don't want them to just drop her." Normani said.

"I kinda hope they do." Camila mumbled bitterly under her breath.

"What was that?" Normani asked making sure she heard her friend.

Camila ignored her friends request and tried to open up her locker.

"You want Ally to get kicked out UOH?!" Dinah shrieked.

"I don't want her to leave! I love Ally, she's helped me, us, with so much! What if she forgets about us huh?"

"Camila, we have to do what's best for her!" Normani deffened.

"Besides she said she'd come and visit." Dinah shared a nod with Mani.

"Yeah. But what if she doesn't? What if she's too busy?" Camila finally turned to face her friends. "Knowing her- you know she'll always be busy."

Dinah straightened her posture. "Then we'll have to be happy for her."

With that her and Normani leaving Camila by her locker.

Camila sighed gathering the rest of her books. She snatched her back quickly as soon as she saw somebody slamming her locker.

"Hey PussnBows, miss me?" Lauren smirked leaning against the locker next to her.

Camila rolled her eyes and got a better grip on her books.

"What do you want Lauren?"

"I hope I didn't ruin your precious skirt yesterday." Lauren fake pouted.

Camila rolled her eyes once more and started to walk off- before Lauren pushed her up against the wall.

That's when she noticed no one was in the halls, so she couldn't yell for help.

"What do you want with me Lauren?" Camila stared into her beautiful sea green orbs.

Lauren didn't respond, she connect her lips to Camila's. Stunned Camila just sat there trying to catch up on what was happening. Lauren detached her lips from Camila's and moved them to her neck.

Lauren pulled away, wearing her famous smirk. "Let that mess with your head." She winked before walking off.

Camila instantly ran to the bathroom staring at the red lip print on her neck.

One thing stayed in her mind.

"Lauren Jauregui just kissed me..."

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