chapter 30

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everything slowed down.

it was like everything was in slow motion.





Camila saw a light in the distance. She started walking towards it. But she never got close to it. She started running- the closer she got the further the light got. Camila picked up her pace. Soon she ran through it and the light burst.

"Okay sweetie you gotta stay awake for us." One of the doctors said.

Camila couldn't see her much. She was losing consciousness very quickly.

Camila felt like she was dying. She felt limp, soulless. The only person she wanted there- wasn't there.

Camila's family rushed up the to hospital as soon as they got the call.

Sinu then called Dinah and the others.

"Mrs. Cabello!" Dinah yelled as she saw Camila's mom at the end of the hall. She quickly ran to her and hugged her.

Tears were running down both of their faces.

"What happened?" Dinah asked when she pulled away from their hug.

Sinu wiped her tears before continuing. "She wasn't paying attention... and was hit by a car."

"Oh my god! Did the car stop?!" Dinah gasped.

Sinu nodded. "Yes they apologized a followed us here, but they left not too long ago."

Soon Normani and Ally rushed down. Dinah filled them in on everything.

"So what's wrong with Camila?" Normani asked.

"She won't wake up."

Everyone's heart stopped. The doctor picked up his hand to wave at the family.

"Camila's response isn't doing very well. The impact was very hard.. and the trauma on the way back made her slip into a coma."

Sinu leaned into her husbands chest and wept, while Sofia hugged her legs.

All 3 of her friends held each other close.

Lauren laid out on the couch flipped through the channels. She groaned because nothing good was on, she was about to turn it off-

"Local teen hit by a car."

"17 year old Camila Cabello was hit by a driver earlier today by a local restaurant called 80's. The driver who's name is too come is being charged and is in custody."

"Camila!" Lauren jumped up. She stared at the screen where it showed where Camila got hit.

Lauren quickly grabbed her keys. tears were just coming down. She fumbled with the keys in the ignition.

"Holy fuck! Go in!" She yelled to her car.

As soon as she got it in, she took off. Lauren couldn't help but think this was all her fault. If only she would've stayed in town and returned Camila's call- she could've been alright. She could've be holding Camila right and be laughing.

More tears fell out of Lauren's eyes. Once she got to a red light she cried harder into her hands.

"My Camila." She kept saying to herself.


Lauren ran up to Camila's hospital room. She banged on the glass.

"Camila baby! Can you hear me?" Lauren yelled through since no one couldn't go in. "I'm so sorry! Camila come back to me! Please!" Lauren banged on the glass harder.

Doctors and nurses soon came to Lauren. They tried pulling Lauren away from the window but she put up a fight. She kept banging on the glass and screaming hoping Camila would answer back.

"No! That my girlfriend in there!" Lauren yelled fighting her way through the doctors. "SHE NEEDS ME." Lauren screamed at them. "I need her..." She whispered as she dropped to her knees.

Ally, Normani, and Dinah soon came to Lauren's side. They circled around her.

Lauren grabbed Normani's arm crying into it as the others rubbed her back.

They watched as Lauren had her episode. No one knew Lauren could get like this but Camila - that's why Lauren needed her there.

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