chapter 67

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The girls walked into class, with no teacher.

"Hey. Where's Ms. Lovato?"  Camila asked earning shrugs for them others.

"I dunno, but I have this song that I want to work on with her." Dinah said holding up a sheet of paper.

Moments passed, still no teacher. 

The girls heads turned when they heard the classroom door creek open. It was their principal.

"Mr. Jones, what are you doing in here?" Dinah asked.

"Is everyone here?" He asked, taking a look around.

"Well yeah.. expect Lauren."  Camila pointed out.

"I don't expect her to be here." Mr. Jones shook his head. "But girls, I have some bad news."

"What is it?" They all were on the edge of their seats.

He sighed before continuing. "Your teacher, Ms. Lovato, was found dead in her apartment." 

There was a few gasps, some were silent. Camila held onto Ally as she cried. They were all crying.

"Hey..." Lauren walked in trailing off when she saw all the cry. She looked over at Mr. Jones." What's.. going on?"

"They found Ms. Lovato dead." Ally said in between sobs, while rubbing Camila's back. 

Lauren gulped. "H-How did she?"

"They said it was a suicide."

Lauren's eyes widened. She couldn't believe Tyler did this. 

"I got her." Lauren said to Ally who handed Camila over to Lauren's care. "Hey it's going to be okay." 

Camila shook her head. "I-I-I." She just couldn't get her words out.

"He needs to be stopped." Lauren muttered under her breath.


"Nothing." Lauren dissed her comment.

Seeing Camila cry like this damaged Lauren. She planned to stop Tyler but she didnt know how. Tyler had an army, in that army were people who she made friends with. Lauren basically set up her own assassination. 

Unknown: aw, poor teacher. suicide or murder?  The text that was sent to all of the girls.

"What the fuck is this?" Normani passed her phone around. 

"I got the same thing too." Camila said, scrolling her thumb over her phone.

Lauren and Ally stayed quiet. 

"Yo, this is hella creepy." Dinah looked at everyone. 

"Maybe it's a prank." Lauren piped up.

"Sent to all of us?" Dinah raised her eyebrow. "I don't think so."

Camila turned to Lauren. "Did you get the text?"

Lauren nodded. "Um yeah. But I don't let shit like this phase me."

"What do you mean? Someone just died Lauren!" Camila yelled. 

Lauren grabbed her shoulders, trying to calm her down. "Baby, I don't mean it like that. Chill and breathe."

*After class*

Lauren kissed the top of Camila's head. "Its all okay, babe. I'll see you later. okay?"

"Okay." Camila nodded and went to her locker.

"Hey babe." 

Camila looked over her locker door. It was Austin. She ignored him and kept gathering her things.

"Don't be like that." He smirked, sliding his hands down her back, 

She moved quickly swatting them away. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" 

"Yup. Right here with you." 

Camila rolled her eyes. "I have classes to go to." 

"Sorry about your teacher." He called once she started walking away.

Camila stopped her tracks. She slowly turned on her heels, walking back to him. "How did you find out about that? We literally were just told."

"Just sorry." He winked. Now it was his turn to walk away.

Camila remained frozen. What did Austin mean? Did he have something to do with Ms. Lovato's death? Camila's eyes widened. Was Austin the texter?


im so sorry guys. im getting lazy with my writing and tbh i hate writing now idk why. thats why it takes so long for updates. but this ending REALLY SOON like there is about 2-3,4 maybe so chapters left us this book until it ends. )):

but after this book ill start writing the other books ive started. 


btw follow me on these thingys (;

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twitter: vibekordeii

tumblr: westsidebowyoz

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