chapter 24

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(This chapter will be really short bc it's kinda important... maybe... kinda idk.)

"Sorry im late!" Ally scrambled to the booth where Normani was waiting patiently.

"You're fine. I was early." She said putting down her menu.

"Hey, by the way, did you wake up and see Lauren and Camila gone?" Ally asked.

Normani furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head. "No. What happened?"

Ally shrugged. "I dunno. I woke up to use the restroom and the both of them were gone, and they weren't anywhere in the apartment."

"Weird...." Normani looked away thinking, then turned back to her. "What time was that?"

"Um maybe around 6, 7 am."

"What could they possibly being doing at that time?" Normani asked earning another shrug from Ally.

"Again I don't know. But the strange part is that why would Mila go with Lauren?"

Normani was the one to shrug this time. "Yanno.... Lauren wasn't actually terrible last night." She laughed. "I kinda had fun."

"Same here!" Ally smiled and picked up her menu scanning over it. "I sure would have missed this if I stayed at college."

"Ally?" Normani started.

"Hmm?" Ally kept her focus on the menu.

"Why did you really leave UOH. You know college is for you?"

Ally swallowed and shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "Like I said, I wasn't happy there."

"Oh come on Ally, that's not true. That University was all you could talk about! It's the only thing that ever left your mouth. And you had really good grades, so it wasn't the school work..-"

"Stop Mani." Ally warned.

But she kept on going. "I mean, no one goes all they way over there and comes back after a couple of weeks! That's complete-"

"I was raped Normani!" Ally yelled slamming her fist on the table.

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