chapter 5

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Lauren laughed to herself. The look on Camila's face was priceless. Even though Lauren wanted to do that for awhile.

Lauren can't stand Camila, but it's something about her that makes Lauren draw to her.

She danced through the halls hearing the tardy bell ring.

"Miss Jaurgeui." The front office Ms. Rhonda spoke. "Don't you have to be somewhere?"

"No." Lauren said bluntly with a shrug.

Ms. Rhonda sighed and took off her glasses. "Either you go to class or i will have to give you detention."

"Ooh detention, I'm so scared." Lauren laughed.

"Ahh. Did I mention; everyday after school, and on Saturdays for 3 months. Your pick Lauren." she smirked.

Lauren groaned rolling her eyes. She flipped off the front clerk.

"See you in detention!" Rhonda called.

"You're 30 minutes late." The teacher said to Lauren when he saw her walk in.

"Ooh goodie you can count!" She sarcastically clapped and smiled, giving the teacher fake praise.

"Where have you been?" He straightened his posture and folded his arms.

"Where I wanted to be."

"Just take a seat."

Lauren scanned around the room for a good spot. She smirked when she saw Camila, obviously trying to avoid her.

"Hey Camz." Lauren said as she slid into the seat next to her. "What not gonna talk to me?"

"Camz?" Camila said shyly.

"It's cute right?" Lauren said laughed.

Camila went shy again and turned away.

"Aw don't be that way Perky Skirts." Lauren fake pouted.

"Why did you kiss me?" She said quietly.

Camila nodded still not brave enough to look at Lauren.

"It was hot wasn't it? I see you still have my lip print on your neck." Lauren smirked.

Camila couldn't get Lauren's lip stick stain off her neck. It was like she was imprinted on her soul.

"Leave me alone."

And with that Lauren left her alone for the rest of class.

When class was over Camila quickly grabbed her stuff trying to avoid Lauren.

"Woah Camila, what's the rush?" Ally laughed as she just saw Camila zoom out the classroom.

"Oh-Uh nothing just didn't wanna be trapped in the hallways." Camila lied.

Ally nodded in agreement. "Some kids can be pretty rough." Allyson chuckled. "By the way what's on your neck-" She stopped and a huge smirk appeared on her face. "Karla Camil Cabello is that a hickey?!"

"Shhh!" Camila tried quieting her loud best friend.

"Who's it from?" She smirked.

"It's not a hickey, it's a burn from my flat iron...."

"But you almost never do your hair, it's naturally perfect. And how come I didn't see in when you were in the car?"

"My hair was covering it probably." Camila bit her lip nervously.

"Oh." Ally said simply.

Soon the Normani and Dinah came.

"Hey Ally." They said in unison.

"Hey guys." Ally smiled at them.

Camila figured they were still mad at her when they didn't greet her. She sighed and opened up her locker getting her books for her next class.

"Um Camila?" Normani finally said to her.

Camila turned to her letting her know she had her attention.

"Why were you talking to Lauren before first period?" She questioned.

Camila felt her heart dropped. "I wasn't."

"Dana said she saw you. She said that she saw Lauren pull you somewhere... Is that true."

Camila hoped Dana didn't see Lauren kiss her. "You know Lauren. Always messing me with me."

The 4 other girls nodded in agreement.

"Well see you guys in in 3rd period." Camila said hurrying to her Spanish class { even though she spoke Spanish very well } They all had 3 period - Home Ec. together.

Camila forgot Lauren was also in her Spanish class.

"Crap." Camila cursed when she saw Lauren walk into the class.

She watched her stop some girl Camila only knew her name; which was Erica.

Erica wasn't bad, but she wasn't good. Camila couldn't see why Lauren would talk to her.

"Hi Camila." Luke Hemmings, not only the cutest boy in school, Camila's crush.

"H-H-Hey Luke." Camila smiled.

"I saw what happened yesterday, I'm sorry." he said

"Whaa..?" Camila didn't understand what he was talking about. "..Oh. It's fine."

Did anyone mention Luke and Lauren were friends?

"You were at the 80's last night?" She asked.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't go over and help."

"It's totally fine."

Lauren watched the 2 the whole class. Giggling, making jokes, talking. It infuriated her.

Was this jealous running through Lauren Jaurgeui veins, about Camila Cabello?

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