chapter 52

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camila wondered the streets alone. She had nowhere to go now. She was alone...

"Hey Camila."

Camila slightly smiled when she saw Ashton, one of luke's friends.

"Hey Ashton. How are you?" She asked.

"I'm good. How are you?"

Camila sighed. "Not good."

"Oh yeah." Ashton nodded. "Heard what happened with Lauren. You okay?"

She shrugged. "I don't even know."

"Well you pull through. You're strong enough." Ashton said leaving Camila alone again.

Camila wondered around again. She felt so lost. She had no direction anymore.

She ended up walking to Ally's house.

"Mila? What are you doing here? It's late" Ally asked. Camila could tell she was getting ready for bed, because she was already in her pajamas.

"I-I-I don't know. I need s-someone to talk to-- and..and.." Camila couldn't finish due to her crying.

ally pulled her into a comforting hug.

"My life is falling down before me." Camila cried.

"It's going to be okay. Mila. Just pull through." Ally tried to sooth her.

"No Ally I want to die!" She exclaimed.

"Camila don't say that..." Ally stared at her best friend sympathetically.

"It's true! Everything I do is wrong! I can never do anything right!" Camila yelped, in tears.

Ally couldn't help but slap the shit out of Camila.

Camila held her cheek stunned. "What the hell?!"

"You're acting crazy Camila! Get your shit together," Ally yelled at her. "You will not kill yourself over Lauren Jauregui. Be the bigger person."

"You don't know what this feels like Ally! You might never will!" Camila yelled back at her.

"You know what Camila I do! I was fucking raped! But that doesn't mean shit to anybody right? It's all Lauren this Camila that. You two aren't the only fucking people in the world!" Ally snapped.

Camila stood back. "You were raped? Ally, why didn't I know?"

"No one bothered to know! Normani is the only one that cares! So go on Camila, cry about some girl. Call me when you have a child on the way."

"You're pregnant too?" Camila whispered.

Ally gave her a look of disgust before slamming the door in her face.

Once again, Camila was alone. She had to go home. There was nowhere else. She didn't want to bother anyone else either- after what happened with Ally.

Ally was right. Camila had to move on from someone who wasn't worth her time anymore.

Camila found herself outside a local bar. She wonders inside taking in her surroundings.

"What can I get you?" The bartender asked once she sat down.

Camila shrugged. "What helps you forget a terrible break up."

He nodded. "I got the perfect drink."

Camila smiled as he started making her drink. She didn't know half the liquids he poured into the drink.

"Bottoms up." He said as he handed it over to her.

Camila took a slow sip. The alcohol burned her throat.

"Not much of a drinker huh?" He laughed, watching camila's expressions as he cleaned used glasses.

Camila shook her head. "Only been drunk once. Never again."

The bartender chuckled. "Im Aaron by the way."

Camila squinted her eyes at him. He looked oddly familiar. "Aaron.... Aaron.." She repeated his name.

"Yeah..." He laughed watching her carefully to make sure she wouldn't pass out.

"Aaron!" Camila jumped up. "You're Lauren's ex boyfriend!"

"Oh! And you're Lauren's girlfriend?" He laughed.

Camila frowned, sitting back down. "Actually... you can call me Lauren's ex-girlfriend."

"You guys broke up?" Aaron asked.

Camila nodded.


"Long story my friend," Camila shrugged. "So that's why I'm here. I want to get rid of the pain."

"Drinking doesn't cause the pain to go away." Aarain informed her.

"But it can damn sure help." Camila threw her hands up in a 'I don't care' way.

Aaron shrugged as he started making Camila another drink.

"Keep 'em coming. Give me everything you got. I'm gonna drink until I pass out." She said as she downed the rest of her drink in one gulp.

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