chapter 27

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Dinah stayed over with Camila while everyone else went home. Luke never came by. Neither did Lauren

"So what happened between you and Luke?" Dinah asked.

"He cheated on me." Camila said softly.

Dinah sat up. "Oh hell no! He's gonna get a good Polynesian beat down!"

Camila couldn't help but giggle. Dinah always made her feel better.

"I love you Chanco."

"I love you too Chee Chee."

The two soon embraced. Even though Dinah was younger than Camila, she still considered her her mother figure (besides Ally of course.) Dinah was always there for you no matter what.

"Can you hand me my phone please?" Camila asked.

Dinah nodded and handed Camila her phone. She watched as she saw her tap the bottom revealing her wallpaper. Camila sighed and tucked her phone back.

"Let me guess.. you're waiting for contact from Lauren?" Dinah guessed.

"Yeah." Camila nodded. "I just don't know where she is. I've called her a few times, and she didn't answer. I'm really worried Dinah."

Dinah pulled the smaller girl into another hug. "Aww Mila. Lauren's a big girl. She can take care of herself."

Camila shook her head. "You don't know Lauren like I do. I mean I still don't know a lot- but I know enough. Lauren's fragile. She can break at many times."

Dinah watched her as she kept talking. She never noticed the depth Camila had for Lauren.

"She's human too Dinah." Camila ended.

Dinah nodded. "I understand. But I still think you should watch your back Camila."

"Why do you say that?" Camila straightened up, lifting up her eyebrow.

"Lauren's not know for giving out free flowers and chocolate to every person she sees. She's dangerous Mila."

"Maybe she's not really like that. Maybe that's what everyone thinks."

Dinah sighed. Camila was too blinded by love to understand the truth.

One of them is gonna get hurt it in the long-run.

and it won't be pretty

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