chapter 25

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Camila flopped on her couch when she got home. She was incredibly tired.

She groaned when she heard the doorbell ring.

"Luke?" Camila furrowed her eyebrows when she opened the door. "What are you doing here?"

Luke smiled and kissed her lips briefly before inviting himself in. "Lauren told me you were here."

That made Camila even more confused. Lauren?

"Oh." She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I thought you were going out of town?" Luke said as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I told my mom I would go next time, I'm just so tired." Camila sighed.

Luke kissed her forehead."Aww baby, go to sleep then."

"I was until your ass came." Camila laughed jokingly along with him.

"Okay, I'll go so you can sleep princess." He chuckled and turned to walk away but Camila grabbed his wrist pulling him back to her.

"Sleep with me." She said.

Luke's eyebrows raised. "You want me to?"

Camila bit her lip and nodded, leading him up to her room. She laid on top of the bed with Luke following behind her.

"I love you Cabello." He whispered in her ear.

"I love you too Hemmings." Camila said slowly as she drifted of to sleep.

Lauren made her way to Camila's house. She stared out her window for the longest watching her house like a creeper.

She wanted to tell Camila how she really felt. She's was gonna tell her that she wanted her to be hers. That she wanted to hold her forever and never let go.

She finally got the courage and went to her door. She knocked. No answer. She knocked again, still no answer. So she twisted the door knob walking straight in.

She shook her head at Camila not locking the door. "Stupid Camila." Lauren giggled.

Lauren climbed the stairs to her room, opening her door partly to see Luke and Camila sleeping.

Pain struck in her heart. Tears threatened her eyes.

Lauren's chest heaved up and down. She was breathing hard. Anger boiled up inside in both of them.

Her eyes went black.

Her soul emptied.

She ran downstairs and saw Camila's mothers glass vases.

Lauren screamed in anger and threw all of them on the floor. She next ran to their family pictures and threw them on the ground.

There was a mess everywhere from the 6 seconds Lauren had downstairs.

"Lauren! What the hell is going on?!" Camila yelled from her stairs, tears in her eyes. All her memories shattered on the floor because of one girl.

"Fuck you Camila! You're a fucking liar!" Lauren yelled.

"Lauren! Yo chill!" Luke stepped in front of Camila.

"Shove it your ass Luke! You're no saint! You've been cheating on Camila since day 1!" Lauren screamed.

Camila turned to look at Luke. "I-I-Is that true..?"

"No!" Luke yelled.

"Yes it is! Camila he's been fucking around with girls because that's just the guy he is! Why can't you see that I'm the one for you?!" She [Lauren] was now in tears.


"Don't." Camila out up her hand to stop him. "Don't you fucking dare say a word to me."

Luke sighed and looked between Lauren and Camila.

"-Oh my heavens!"

All the 3 of their head snapped towards the new voice coming from the doorway.

"Oh shit." Camila muttered.

It was her family. They carefully stepped over the broken glass pieces.

"Karla Camila Cabello qué demonios pasó?!" Her mother yelled in Spanish.

{ Karla Camila Cabello what the hell happened?!}

"Mama me puedo explicar!" Camila replied.

{Mama let me explain!}

"Que hizo esto?!" Sinu asked.

{ Who did this?! }

"You." Camila's father pointed towards Lauren who stared at the family.

"Karla why is she here?" Her mom turned to look at Camila.

"She's my... friend." Camila replied quietly.

"Your friend?!" Her fathers voice boomed throughout the house. "Now who's this?" He now pointed to Luke. He obviously didn't remember him.

"Her boyfriend sir." Luke replied.

"Ex." Camila corrected him. "Ex boyfriend."

"Oh. I remember you know. That boy that picked up daughter that day."

Alejandro turned his attention back to Lauren. "We should press charges on you. We should have never befriend my daughter, leave and never speak to her again."

Lauren nodded. She looked over at Camila who started right back at her. Lauren got herself into this mess. She quickly ran out the house back into her car.

"Dad-" Camila started.

"Don't start Karla." He held up his hand. "You are to clean up this mess."

"And you're grounded!" Sofia yelled.

"Sofia is right. A month." Sinu nodded

"And for you boy." Alejandro said to Luke. "Leave."

"Yes sir." He nodded and walked out the door.

The rest of the family looked at Camila in shame.

But Camila was broken. She had hurt Lauren and Luke has been cheating on her. She felt so empty.

"What are you waiting for Camila. Start cleaning." Her mom ushered her.

Camila shook her head. So many things were going through her head. "I-I."

"What?" Camila's mom didn't understand her.

"Lauren- Luke, they-" Camila couldn't thing straight. All these things were in her mind.

"Camila? Camila!..."

Everything turned to darkness.

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