chapter 42

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"My anaconda don't-"

camila watched her best friends twerk to Anaconda.

"Guys. Can we not?" Camila laughed setting down her backpack. "It's gross enough."

"Oh Mila it's okay," Dinah said wrapping her arm around her shoulder. "You'll get an ass one day." Camila rolled her eyes, pushing Dinah's arm off.

"Camila does have an ass thank you very much." Someone called from behind. Lauren smirked as Camila turned tomato red in the face. "Hi babe." Lauren kissed Camila's cheek.

Dinah looked between the two. "So this is an official thing now?"

Camila nodded. But Lauren didn't specifically ask her to be her girlfriend..

"Well." Dinah sighed in happiness. "Welcome to the family. Hurt Camila, and you get a beat down. Easy as that."

"I''d like to see you try Hansen." Lauren narrowed her eyes.

"See this is why we don't fucking like you! You always have some shit to say!" Dinah yelled at Lauren. "If it weren't for Camila, you'd be the one in the hospital right now."

"Bring it Dinah Hosen!" Lauren stood her ground.

"Stop!" Camila jumped in the middle of the two. "Both of you need to cut the crap!" She turned around to Lauren. "You do not, treat my friends like that!" Then she turned around to face Dinah. "And you- You don't not threaten my girlfriend!"

It felt different saying girlfriend to Camila; and it felt different hearing it to Lauren.

Dinah gave Lauren one last glare to Lauren before walking back to her friends.

Ms. Lovato came shortly into the room after. "Finally, the gangs all here." She smiled. "Camila, I'm glad you are feeling better."

"Thank you." Camila nodded.

"Now let's get started.. I know the sleepover was like a month ago, but how was it?" She asked.

"It was fun." Normani admitted. "I had fun."

"Yeah, same here." Ally spoke up.

"Camila?" Ms. Lovato.

"I really enjoyed it." Camila turned to Lauren and smiled.

"Of course you did." Normani smirked towards the two, causing Camila to turn red again.

Ms. Lovato raised her eyebrow but soon ignored it. "Since we are wayyyy behind. We have catching up to do. I want you all to write a song."

"I don't know how to do that." Lauren gave her a 'wtf' look.

"Well you all have each other, so it shouldn't be that hard, but words on a paper."

"Wait- What are we making songs for?" Ally asked.

"I want you to perform them." She said.

"Um.. in front of the school?" Camila looked at her.

Ms. Lovato nodded. "And bigger places after that."

Lauren shook her head. "Oh no no no. I didn't sign up for this shit. I'm not performing anywhere!"

"Ms. Jauregui, I have told you, that language will not be used here. Save it for the streets." She dismissed Lauren.

Lauren rolled her eyes as Camila grabbed her hand squeezing it softly; but Lauren ignored it.

"Can we just perform a song already written by someone?" Ally asked another question.

"Yeah! We should do a song by Beyonce!" Normani suggested.

"Really? I didn't even knew you liked her." Camila said sarcastically.

"Okay... if you were to do Beyonce, what would you do?" Ms. Lovato asked the 5.

"Surfboard with her." Dinah smirked, causing hits from Normani and ally.

"You dirty pig." Camila shook her head laughing. Lauren couldn't help but smile either.

"But we should do Crazy In Love." Dinah nodded.

"Ooh!" Lauren agreed. "The Fifty Shades of Grey version, is really cool. We should do that..."

Ms. Lovato went to her computer and got on YouTube. She searched up the version Lauren suggested, and they all listened to it.

"This is great song Lauren, thank you." The teacher smiled at her.

"When we have more time, I'll listen to you 5, and place your parts."

"Do we have to sing in front of each other?" Camila asked shakily.

"No. It'll just be me and you."

Camila sighed in relief.

"But now I want you 5 girls to come of with a name for yourselves." She smiled at the younger girls.

"Like Destiny's Child?" Normani asked.

"Or Danity Kane." Dinah nudged Normani.

"Ooh the Spice Girls!" Ally yelled out.

"Yes." Jessica laughed. "Those are all good examples."

Camila looked over at Lauren who had her mind somewhere else. She snapped back to the real once she noticed Camila staring.

"You need to stop staring." Lauren laughed. "It's getting really creepy."

Camila laughed. "I'm sorry that I find you complete hot."

Lauren laughed and grabbed Camila's chin, leaning in to kiss her- but stop. "Don't think I forget earlier today, when you left me high and dry."

Camila laughed. "Sorry babe, but you know. Gotta keep my grades up."

"Screw you Cabello." Lauren joked, rolling her eyes playfully.

Camila giggled before kissing Lauren's lips softly.

"Heyy!" Ally threw a balled piece of paper at them. "Keep it PG!"

Camila pulled away to her friends, and rolled her eyes.

"Get a room would ya?" Dinah added, laughing.

"Did I miss something?" Ms. Lovato raised her eyebrow; looking between Camila and Lauren.

"Lauren and Camila are dating now." Normani told the older woman in front of them.

"Yup. They're Camren now." Dinah smirked with Normani.

"What the fuck is Camren?" Lauren gave dinah another signature 'wtf' face.

"It's yours and Camila's name together." Normani informed them. "Kinda like Jelena, but Camren."

"I like it." Camila shifted her gave to Lauren, giving her a smile.

"I guess I could get used to it." Lauren shrugged, smiling back slightly.

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