chapter 28

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Camila returned to school the following Monday... Still no sign of Lauren and Camila grew very worried.

"Hey Milz." Normani approached the younger student.

"Hey Mon." Camila smiled putting up her last book in her locker.

"How ya feelin?" She asked.

"Um good. Just as long as I keep taking my medicine is should be good."

Normani nodded as she opened her mouth to say something.

They both watched as the school front doors opened. Camila's eyes met his. 

He inched closer but still far. "Camila-"

Camila quickly grabbed her bag and took off to her next class. 

Luke then turned to Normani for help who rolled her eyes and flipped her hair walking away.

She stopped in her tracks once she heard loud weeping come from the girls restroom. Normani took a step in. She looked under the stalls checking for feet. She stopped when she noticed the familiar shoes.

"Ally...." Normani said before opening the stall door revealing the crying girl. "We need to talk about this."

Ally didn't fight back this time. Instead she whipped her tears nodding. 

"So tell me what happened.." Normani knelled in front of her.

Ally sniffed and whipped her nose and nodded again. "It was late and I was back to my dorm. He popped out nowhere and asked if I needed help.. Of course I thought he was being helpful.... But-" Ally couldn't continue without bursting into tears again. 

"Let it out babe." Normani rubbed her leg letting her know she's there for her.

"He grabbed me..." Ally went on. "He took me to a empty classroom and....." Ally didn't want to go into detail about her night of terror.

Normani leaned in and gave her a huge comforting hug. "It's okay baby." She rubbed her back as Ally cried into her shoulder. 

"Thank you so much for being there for me Mani. I love you."

Normani smiled. "I love you too." She pulled away and stood up. "Now c'mon girl. It's time to get back to sturtin' and stuntin'."

Ally giggled taking Normani's hands, standing up.

Camila stared at Lauren's locker that has been untouched all day. She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair leaving to go with Ally to drive her home.

Lauren stared outside the window. She shielded her eyes from the ragging sun. She looked over at the clock. It read 4:30.

"Mmmm... Hey sexy."

Lauren looked over at the boy who she had slept with the previous night. 

"Hi." Lauren said bluntly.

"Not a morning person huh?" he chuckled.

"It's not morning asshole." Lauren rolled her eyes taking out her blunt she had the night before.

"Guess we had sex all night huh?" He smirked as he ran his hand up her thigh to her center.

Lauren removed his hand before taking a drag. "Not in the mood Zac."

"You weren't saying that last night." Zac licked his lips leaning closer to Lauren.

"You're such an ass." Lauren laughed before kissing Zac softly. When she pulled away she thought of Camila. She instantly shook away the thought. She took another blow from the blunt.

Lauren watched as Zac took out his hookah pipe. The whole weekend consisted of Lauren getting high and having sex (most of the time with Zac). It was her escape.. Her crowd. 

Zac blew perfect rings before turning to Lauren who was staring him. "What?" 

Lauren didn't say nothing instead she hungrily grabbed Zac face- kissing him. The kiss became heated quickly. Lauren straddled his lap as he hooked his hand around, letting his hands roam freely around her body. 

Their fun didn't stop there.



at least we know shes okay, right?

who else enjoyed that cute Normally moment?


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