chapter 17

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Today was the day the girls gathered at Lauren's for the sleepover, and Lauren wasn't ready. She wasn't ready to face Camila in the halls.

"Yo Lauren!"

Lauren turned around and saw Haleigh.

"Oh fuck." Lauren muttered to herself as Haleigh caught up to her.

"What's up?" Haleigh smiled.

"Um.. nothing. Do you need something?" Lauren asked not wanting to be seen with her.

Haleigh's hand trickled up Lauren's arm. "Just you." she smirked and pulled Lauren close to her.

"I have to get to class.." Lauren pushed her away and took a few steps back.

"Since when do you care about making it to class?" Haleigh crossed her arms.

"None of your business!" Lauren snapped.

"Don't fucking yell at me!" Haleigh yelled at me.

"What are you gonna do? Try me bitch!" Lauren stepped up.

Haleigh switched out a knife.

"What? Are we having cake?" Lauren said shrugging.

Haleigh charged at her when Camila stood in front of Lauren.

Lauren stared at the younger girl in front of her shocked and angered.

"You better get off campus before I call the police." Camila said trying to cover up the fact she was scared shitless.

"And who are you?" Haleigh rolled her eyes.

"Wouldn't you like to know? Now go! Or it's jail time for you sweetiepie!" She stood her ground.

"This isn't over Lauren and Lauren's bodyguard." Haleigh huffed and turned on her heels.

Camila turned around and faced Lauren letting out a sigh of relief. "Whew. Felt like I was in some type of soap opera." She laughed.

"What the hell Camila?!" Lauren shouted making Camila's laughs stop. Confusion took over her face. "I can clearly take care of myself."

"Lauren, you could've gotten seriously hurt!" Camila protested.

"But I didnt!"

"Yeah thanks to me!"

Lauren growled and pushed Camila out the way. "Out my way Cabello."

She ran all the way to her apartment which wasn't too far from the school. She reached behind her couch and pulled a bag of white crystals.

Lauren sprinkled some on a credit card and rolled up a dollar she found laying around. She put the tip to the cocaine and inhaled moving in a straight line.

Lauren pulled away and shook her head and kept sniffing. She smirked and poured a bit more. She did her last few inhales then left to go back to school.

Right now she was completely high. She kept laughing at every single thing that passed by.

"Woah watch where you going dumbfuck!" Lauren yelled when she lost her balance and fell into someone. She laughed when she saw who it was. "Hey Camila it's you again!" she giggled.

Camila instantly knew something was off Lauren. Next thing she knew she was being pushed against the lockers.

Lauren placed her lips on Camila's, which wasn't a surprise anymore.

Camila pushed her back. "Are you drunk?!" But she smelled no alcohol.

"Nope." Lauren giggled. "I just want you." She moved her hand down south into Camila pants and rubbed the outside.

She instantly took out her hand. "What's the matter with you Lauren? You need serious help." Camila picked up her bags and ran away.

"Whatever! Fuck you anyway Camila! I don't need a stupid slut like you!" Lauren yelled to her.

Camila stopped in her tracks. There was a pang in her heart, she turned her head.

Lauren saw the tears in her eyes. "Camila wait."

But Camila took off running down the halls again.

"Camila!" Lauren kept calling and changing.

She soon caught Camila and drug her into a janitors closet.

"Let me go!" Camila cried tugging her hand back from Lauren.

"Camila.. I didn't mean those things you said." Lauren sighed.

"Sure sounded like you did." Camila wiped her tears, avoided Lauren's eye contact.

Lauren grabbed Camila's chin and brought her lips to hers- again.

"I'm in love with you Camila." Lauren froze into complete shock realizing what she said.

Bad Romance // camrenWhere stories live. Discover now