Chapter 2

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Lauren paced back in forth in the usual dark alley she hangs out in.


She turned around and saw the person she was waiting for.

"You got it?" She asked.

He nodded.

"Well hand it over dumbfuck!" Lauren snarled scaring the boy.

"You know this wasn't easy to get.." He trembly handed over the bag of weed.

"Do I give a rats ass?" She rolled her eyes and took some of the green out the bag. She rolled it up and lit it. "Why are you still here?! Go!"

The boy hurried to run off obviously scared of the older girl.

All of Lauren's worries ( if she had any ) went away. Taking blows getting higher and higher by the minute.

She soon eventually lost control of herself. She put the rest in her pocket and disposed of the blunt on the ground.

Lauren started walking down the street, bumping into people and causally telling them to fuck off.

Getting high wasn't unfamiliar to Lauren. Lauren did all kinds of drugs, and been to jail twice!

Nobody cares for Lauren. That's why she does what she does. Her family doesn't care. Well her brother did but he left after Lauren told him to "Die you faggot."

That was 4 years ago. Lauren never saw her brother again.

She thinks she free and can do whatever she wants. Nobody cares for what she does. She has that 'I don't have a fuck attitude'. Even though deep down she wants somebody to care.

She's been on her own for awhile. Nobody truly knows her story. They all thought she was just a girl that lost her way, given too much freedom; Good Girl gone Bad to be exact.

Truth be told Lauren Jauregui wasn't always like this. Like some said- she lost her way.

She was on the softball team, got straight A's. But that all took a turn when she went to a party.

She was 14 almost 15 at the time. She was introduced to things. Inhumane things. Lauren liked it, she liked the rush it gave her.

She told herself she'd never be that girl again.

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