chapter 39

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I'm doing this bc you guys wanted okay. warning it may not be good bc Im terrible at sex scenes 😂😂

btw im writing this while listening to the Better Together EP... talk about fetus and awkward 😂😭


Lauren was taking back by Camila's words but didn't hesitate to follow orders. She quickly led them to her bedroom.

She laid Camila down on the bed before ripping her shirt opened; Camila's eyes widened at Lauren's strength.

Lauren left small kisses along Camila's neck trying to find her sweet spot. A sly smirk came to her once she found. She gently sucked on, going harder once she heard her partners moan.

"Don't worry baby girl, I'll take care of you tonight." Lauren whispered seductively into Camila's ear causing shivers to run down her spine.

Camila relaxed herself letting Lauren over- of course but she was most skilled and Camila had no idea what she was doing.

In one quick move Lauren had Camila's pants dropped. Camila's widened while Lauren kept smirking.

Lauren's hands found their way to the middle of the smaller girls princess part. She rubbed small circles soft, feeling a little dampness as she went on.

Camila couldn't control the moans escaping from her mouth. They came out without her permission. But they were satisfying Lauren- letting her know she was doing a good job.

Once Lauren had enough of teasing Camila she slipped her slender finger underneath the fabric, so now she had direct contact with the lips.

"Lauren...." Camila quietly moaned once she too felt the contact.

"Shh baby girl. Don't say anything yet." Lauren silenced her by sliding her finger in softly-- careful not to hurt Camila in any way.

Pleasure exploded in Camila's body from one finger. She couldn't imagine the damage if there were more.

Lauren slowly swirled her finger around letting Camila adjust to the friction. When Camila's moans got louder, she added another finger.

"Holy shit." Camila groaned tugging on the ends of her hair in ecstasy.

Lauren wore her famous smirk as she pumped her fingers in and out camila faster.

Lauren's name kept spilling out Camila's mouth. Lauren was used to it but it felt different coming out Camila's lips.

When she saw Camila on the verge of cumming, Lauren quickly pulled out her fingers. She replaced her fingers with her tongue.

"Holy fuck Lauren!" Camila gasped. She was obviously taken back by Lauren's sudden move.

Lauren's tongue explored Camila's inside, sending shots throughout Camila's body.

Camila's nail were now digging into Lauren's back skin. You could see the red, dark lines from Camila's dragging and pulling.

Sex noises filled the air from the two.

Once Camila had cummed, Camila took the liberty to do the same back to Lauren.

Camila unbuttoned Lauren's shorts and slid them down. Lauren wasn't laying down so it gave Camila easy access. She softly kissed Lauren through the thin fabric.

One small moan from Lauren; Camila

didn't waste anytime pulling Lauren's underwear down. Her moth quickly found Lauren's girl part.

She had decided to tease her by flicking her tongue up and down slowly.

"Camz......" Lauren's breath hitched, whining. "Don't do that.."

"As you wish." Camila's tongue attacked her deeper insides.

Lauren reacted by grabbing a fistful of Camila's hair, pulling on it. "Holy shit Camila!"

Camila slid her finger into Lauren, copying her motions but with her swirling tongue.

"Don't stop." Lauren demanded. She was enjoying every bit of this and didn't want none of it to end. "Fuck Camila." Lauren was the one who now had her nails digging into Camila's skin.

Camila now had 3 fingers inside Lauren plus her tongue. It was music to Lauren.

Pure pleasure was going through her body at this point. Camila's free hand found its way to Lauren's ass, gripping it firmly causing Lauren to let out yet- another moan. Camila pulled away and used all 5 fingers to rub on Lauren, but rougher than what she did.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit!" Lauren cursed over and over due to the sex. Her body was over edge. "Camila!" Lauren screamed her name as Lauren's juices flowed down her legs, which Camila kindly licked up.

Lauren fell back on the bed and all she could say was: "Oh my god."

Camila crawled up to next to her, before planting a kiss on Lauren'a lips.

"I hope you had fun, because I sure did." Camila winked.

Lauren giggled before grabbing Camila's waist pulling her body closer to hers.

And another cliché way to end something- they both fell asleep in each other's arms.







so how was it? was good, bad, needed more? REMEMBER THIS WAS MY FRST TIME

& I love reading you guys' comments. You guys crack me up 😂



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