chapter 58

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"Ms. Lovato, please I can't be in this class!" Lauren tried to explain to her music teacher.

"Well why not?" Jessica asked looking up from her parents.

"Camila is in here!" Lauren threw her hands up, frustrated. She had been trying to leave this class for the past 5 minutes.


Lauren groaned. "Camila and I broke up, and right now we have some issues... and they're bad. Like keeping milk after 3 months bad."

"I'm sorry Lauren, but I just can't take you out. One- it's a long process, two - I chose you for the opportunity." The tear explained.

"Well can you un-choose me? I can't be here with Camila!"

As soon as she said that Camila walked in.

"The irony." Lauren muttered.

Camila was scared to be in the same room as Lauren- and Lauren could tell; and that's not what she wanted. She wanted nothing but to hold Camila in her arms- apologize, kiss her, cry, and apologize again.

Lauren watched Camila sit down in one of the chairs, getting her stuff out. She sighed looking back at her teacher. "Please?" She pleaded.

"No Ms. Jauregui. Have a seat please." Ms. Lovato pointed to the chairs.

Lauren sat as far away from Camila as possible.

"Camila!" Camila looked up and instantly smiled.

"You left this in my locker." Austin said handing her one of her books.

"Oh thanks.." Camila smiled before sharing a small kiss with him.

Lauren gagged from the back, trying her best not to throw up.

Austin noticed and glared at Lauren who sarcastically smiled.

"Bye babe." Austin said heading off.

Dinah, Ally, and Normani soon came flooding into the classroom after the bell.

"Sorry, we're late." Ally apologized.

"It's okay, take a seat." Ms. Lovato directed.

Lauren took out her phone and started texting Jai.

To Jai:
help. me.

From Jai:

To Jai:
I'm fucking bored out
of my mind, that's why.

From Jai:
that sounds like a
you problem

To Jai:
ugh you're such an
asshole. -_-

From Jai:
oh but you love it (;

To Jai:
don't get cocky

From Jai:
says the Queen of the Cocks!

Lauren couldn't help but laugh out loudly.

"Lauren is there something you'd like to share?" Jessica raised her eyebrow, while the others stared.

"No." Lauren said blunty, but stills faint smile on her first to keep for laughing.

The older woman sighed and finished explaining what she was doing.

To Jai:
you got me in trouble
not that I care anyway.

From Jai:

To Jai:
you're such an ass.

From Jai:
I'm your ass (;

To Jai:

From Jai:
lol aight.
meet me after school?

To Jai:

From Jai:
becuz I wanna go
somewhere w/ you

To Jai:
Jai Brooks. are you
asking me out on a

From Jai:
ew no gross. I'm "not
your type" anyway

To Jai:
oh please, going on a
date with me would be
the highlight of your life.

From Jai:
okay Jauregui prove me
wrong. go on a date with

To Jai:
okay. don't murder me tho

From Jai:
fineee I'll try not to.

Camila watched Lauren viciously text on her phone. She had assumed she was texting the boy she was talking to in the hallway or Jai- from what she learned from Austin's information.

"So for this week's spotlight duet I want Lauren andddd Camila."

Lauren looked up- letting that catch her attention. "What the fuck?!"

"Lauren.. what did I say-"

"I don't a fuck! You can't partner me with her!" She yelled at the teacher.

"Its already set in stone, next week will be somebody completely different."

Lauren groaned, flopping back in her seat. She instantly caught eyes with Camila. "What the fuck are you looking at Cabello?" She barked.

Camila squeaked, turning back around- clearly scared of Lauren now.

"I liked her a lot better when she was gone." Lauren heard Dinah say to Normani.

"But that's when Camila got into the accident." Normani said.

"Maybe it she never meet Lauren it wouldn't have happened."

Lauren stopped listening to their conversation about her.

But deep she knew it was true.

But did Camila want her gone as well?

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