chapter 37

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3 week later Camila was finally released from the hospital. She still had to go back to make everything was functioning right; every now and then. But for some strange reason, Lauren wouldn't leave her side.

"You need help getting to class?" the older girl asked the younger one in front of her.

Camila giggled and shook her head. "No Lauren, I'll be fine. Just like I said for the rest of my classes."

They both didn't know if they were an "official couple".

Off to the side Normani, Ally, and Dinah stood judging.

"Look who's buddy-buddy with Camila again." Ally scoffed rolling her eyes.

"I swear that girl's bipolar." Dinah said.

"And who knew Camila was lesbian?" Normani added.

"Well she's bi. Because she dated Luke, now maybe Lauren." Dinah corrected her.

"Well we don't know if they're dating yet." The shorter one pointed out the fact.

"Yeah but look at them!" Normani pointed to the two girls giggling at Camila's locker. "Camila admitted she had feelings for Lauren in the hospital, annnnnnd when Lauren showed up at the hospital she yelled "That's my girlfriend!"

Ally and Dinah nodded.

"Camila doesn't know what she's getting in to." Ally shook her head and sighed.

"Camila's always been stubborn.." Dinah shrugged.

"Yeah.... But she's playing with dangerous fires right now."

The bell soon rang meaning they had to get to class. Camila had already said goodbye to Lauren, but was still at her locker.

"Shit." Camila cursed when she couldn't get her locker to turn. She looked around but she realized she was the only one left in the hallway. "Why am I always the one left?" She muttered.

"Need help?"

Camila jumped and quickly turned around. It was just Luke. "Yeah." She said softly.

Luke gently pushed her aside. He had remembered her combination from when they were dating. He turned the lock and the locker popped up. "Youre welcome."

"Uh thanks." Camila grabbed her books from the inside.

Luke leaned against the lockers by hers and sighed- causing her to look at him briefly. "Camila..." He started. "I really hope we can be friends at least."

Camila pushed her one-braided ponytail onto her shoulder so it was hanging on the side in front of her. "I don't know.. I gotta get to class." She said quickly and stepped forward; but Luke stepped in front of her.

"Camila. Please. I know im not the best person right now, but I still want you in my life." He said.

Camila hesitated before nodding. "Fine Luke. We can be friends. But that's all. Just friends. No pleasures."

"Righttttt." He nodded. "Because you have Lauren?"

"No..." Camila stopped herself. Did she have Lauren? "But anyway, even if I didn't i wouldn't get back together with you." Camila slammed her locker before taking off to her next class.

Ally was writing down her notes in class when her phone buzzed. She sneakily took it out.

Text Message : From ; Unknown.

Hey. Did you miss me? (;

Ally jumped out of her skin as she started at the words as if they were knives in her heart.

Another message came in.

Btw: you look nice today

Ally then looked around frantically. 'This Can't Be Happening.' She thought.

"Ms. Brooke?" The teacher called Ally making her jump. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes m'am." Ally nodded. The teacher went back to teaching.

But nothing was.


Ally wanted to die.

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