chapter 38

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"Stoooooooooop!" Camila whined as Lauren kept nudging her. Lauren was trying to keep her from winning.

They had decided to be childish and go to Chuck E Cheese.

"No! How can you just get out the hospital and be able to play basket ball?" Lauren asked smiling towards her.

"It's all about skill." Camila smirked shooting another basket, but she missed it.

"Haha!" Lauren teased before shooting her ball into the hoop making it. She turned to smirk at camila who was pouting.

"That was just luck." Camila rolled her eyes in a playful manner.

"Whatever babe." Lauren chuckled.

Camila stared at Lauren taking in her features. She was absolutely stunning.

"Why are you staring at me?" She asked.

"Because you're beautiful." Camila replied smiling.

"Okay Camz, enough reading for you." Lauren laughed at Camila's choice of words.

"Hey. You said it so I went along." Camila laughed alongside.

"Well when somebody creepy is steady staring at you, that might be the first question you ask." She chuckled while they both collected their tickets from the game.

"I wouldn't be staring if you weren't so attractive." Camila said bitting her lip.

"Oh really?" A smirked played at Lauren's lips as Camila nodded. Lauren pulled Camila by her hips before attaching her lips to hers.

May sound cliché; but they both felt sparks of electricity. Neither of them could describe the amazing feeling.

But they still weren't together.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here."

Lauren pulled away staring at the person in front of them. "Haleigh.." She growled.

Haleigh smirked and looked between the two. "Awwww! Look at the happy couple!" She 'smiled' "Barf!"

Camila rolled her eyes. "What are you doing here?"

Haleigh pretended to be taken back. "So it speaks?!"

Camila rolled her eyes again.

"If you must know I am here for my little cousins birthday party... why are you here?"

"I'm here with my girlfriend." Lauren smiled before wrapping her arms around Camila.

Camila smiled at the word girlfriend. It felt weird-- but in a good way.

"Ohhhh girlfriend huh?" Haleigh famously smirked again. "Tell me; was she your girlfriend the other night?"

Camila snapped her head to Lauren. "Lo, what is she talking about?"

"Yeah Lo. What am I talking about?" Haleigh kept the bright smirk on her face.

"It's nothing Camila. Don't worry about it. Not a big deal." Lauren shook her head dismissing the two.

"It was a big deal when you fucked me." She said in a 'matter of fact' type tone.

Camila's color left her body as she turned to Lauren who looked like she was ready to kill Haleigh.

"And Zac too. Whatever happened to him?" Haleigh turned her attention towards Camila. "I hope you like the way my cookie taste." She winked as she skipped off.

"Camila I-" Lauren started but Camila put up her hand to silence her.

"I don't want to talk about it. Its whatever." She said.

Bad Romance // camrenWhere stories live. Discover now