𝒊. watch and learn, dipshit

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     CONTRARY TO WHAT MOST TEND TO think, Theresa Sinclair had not always been a raging bitch.

It all started when her little brother Lucas came along.

Tess was not the only child anymore, and that was what slowly began to mold her into a virago of a teenage girl. Kind of like how psychopaths start torturing animals during childhood- Tess terrorized the other little girls on the playground.

Only, she was not feared in a way that turned her into a social pariah, she was feared with respect.

To Theresa, there was nothing more powerful than being fearfully respected. People knew their place when it came to her.

Truth is, though, Tess had no idea how to make friends. She was admittedly terrible at being nice to- well- anyone, so she had not exactly ever had people lined up to go shopping with her. Mostly just to do her bidding.

And sometimes... Theresa felt lonely. Oh, but don't you think she would ever tell anyone that. No; Tess was a perfect model of the hierarchy of the social class. At least, she had convinced everyone she was.

But if one were to really dig deep down beneath that icy cold heart of hers, they might just melt it.

That 'one' goes by the name of Steve Harrington.

That's right, Steve 'The Hair' Harrington. Has had it bad for Tess since middle school when she accidentally mistook him for another boy at the school dance and kissed him on the cheek. Then immediately looked at him in horror, shrieked about being disgusted, and ran away.

Steve never seemed to recall that last part when Carol and Tommy H. brought it up, though.

He and Theresa were considered a part of the same social clique, but he was not sure he had ever had more than three conversations with her. See, Steve was scared- no, mortified- of Tess. And who wouldn't be? She was a complete vicious piranha.

But heads began to turn as Theresa Sinclair entered through the doors of Hawkins High School on one particular day, befuddled and slightly fearful.

She was crying.

Steve stood at his locker, hands in pockets as he, Tommy H. and Carol argued over who was the 'most virgin' (it had been voted to be Steve). He paused mid-sentence, forgetting why he was defending himself as Tess and two of her friends walked by, her in the middle sniffling with tissues.

The Killing Moon, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now