𝒙𝒙𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊. round two?

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     "DO YOU WANT TO HAVE A SLEEPOVER at my house?"

Theresa gave Steve an amused look, raising her eyebrows.

"A sleepover? What are we, ten?"

He rolled his eyes, returning her look. "I was trying to put it respectfully. But if you want to know, what I was actually gonna say was–"

"Come to your house so we can have sex?" she finished, resting her head against her hand with a knowing smirk.

Steve shrugged. "Well, if you insist..."

Tess shook her head with laughter, looking back to the road. "Your boldness is slowly returning, huh?"

He side-eyed her. "What do you mean?"

Steve pulled into his driveway and put the car in park, giving her a look like he wanted to do it right then and there.

"It never left."

She began to cackle, unbuckling her seatbelt and opening the door. "Yeah, we'll see about that."

Steve walked her up to the front door, unlocking it with his keys and allowing her inside first. She stopped, looking around the dark house and then turning her head to Steve.

"Parents not home?"

He poked his tongue in his cheek, wiggling his eyebrows. "They'll be back later."

Theresa made an 'O' shape with her mouth, slowly nodding. "Oh, I see."

They looked at each other for a tension-filled moment, and Tess began to grin.

"Race you."

She sprinted toward the staircase while Steve chased after her, Tess giggling as Steve caught up with her and grabbed her by the waist and turning her around to pick her up.


He hoisted her up as he entered his room, Theresa wrapping her legs around his abdomen. Steve spun her around and snickered to himself before dropping her on his bed, Tess leaning back against her elbows as Steve stood in front of her.

"The sailor uniform really ties this all together," she remarked, tilting her head to the side.

"You think so?" he bantered, kicking off his shoes and crawling on top of her as she nodded.

The Killing Moon, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now