𝒙𝒊𝒙. third grade english

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STEVE WAS THROWING PUNCH AFTER punch, throwing Tommy to the ground of the hallway.

Theresa, who was almost to her next class, heard all of the commotion and quickly turned around to head back. She never missed school fights.

But her mouth fell open in both shock and horror as she saw Steve on the ground, bringing his fists around on another boy's head.


He glanced up at her, getting distracted for a split second and allowing Tommy to push him over. He got the upper hand but right as Tommy was about to throw a punch, the principal came running over to intervene.

He grabbed hold of Tommy and pulled him back while Steve climbed to his feet, Theresa staring at him with her hands over her mouth. He glanced over at her, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry," he muttered before Mr. Matthews grabbed him by the back of his shirt and dragged him away.

She raised a hand to her head, closing her eyes with a deep exhale. Theresa had a strong suspicion that this fight had something to do with her. She just wasn't sure what.

Theresa decided to skip next period, sitting in the office while she waited for Steve. Her nerves were at an all time high, having no idea what to expect when he came out of the principal's office.

The door finally opened after Tess felt like she had been sitting there for hours, Steve walking out behind Mr. Matthews. Theresa looked up at him as she was the first person in the room for him to lay eyes on, holding one hand in the other.

She stood up after Mr. Matthews went back in his office, slowly approaching Steve. He had been untouched aside from the bruised knuckles, running a hand through his hair.


Steve glanced up at her, then back down. He seemed like he was... ashamed, almost.

"Hi," he replied at once.

Theresa bit her lip, her eyes darting around the room.

"Do you... wanna go talk?" she asked quietly.

Steve scratched his head, nodding.



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