𝒊𝒗. bowling and ice cream

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     ALTHOUGH THE THOUGHT OF PRIYA being missing still stuck in the back of Theresa's mind, that was the last thing she was thinking about right now.

Steve Harrington was her new toy, and a cute one at that.

Even Theresa herself was unaware of how she was slowly becoming unraveled by him, letting her guard down for him.

And Steve was surprised too. He had never seen Tess laugh so much, or even smile for that matter. But she was genuinely... enjoying his company.

It was a strange sight to see.

"I need to be getting home soon," Theresa said, closing her textbook. "But you made improvements today. See how well you can do when you actually try instead of playing dumb?"

Steve began to smile charmingly. "See, that's the thing– I'm actually dumb, I'm not playing dumb."

Tess' smile dropped as she turned her head to him sharply, arching an eyebrow.

"Don't say that about yourself. Only I'm allowed to call you dumb."

He held her a gaze for a moment before they both started laughing. Tess stood up and gathered her books, then holding out a hand to Steve.

"Until next time, Mr. Harrington."

Steve stood up as well, taking her hand and shaking it in a humorous way.

"It's been a pleasure, Miss Sinclair. You know– you've opened up a lot since I first started talking to you."

Theresa withdrew her hand, keeping her eyes on his. She then glanced away, shrugging.

"Don't get used to it."

Steve frowned for a moment, wondering what that meant, then dismissed it and walked to the door to open it.

Tess followed, stopping in front of him.

"So when's our date?"

Steve stumbled on his words, scratching the back of his neck.

"I– uh... Friday at six. I'll come pick you up. Deal?"

Tess tilted her head, a hint of a smile forming.

"...Deal. Bowling and ice cream, right?"

The Killing Moon, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now