𝒙𝒙𝒙𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊. better than tammy thompson

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     "SO YOU'RE TELLING ME... THAT YOU joined a D&D club?"

Erica rolled her eyes, raising a finger. "No, I'm just filling in for Lucas since he has a game tonight."

Theresa looked back at Erica from the passenger seat of Steve's car, raising an eyebrow.

"I didn't even know you played Dungeons and Dragons now."

Erica gave a shrug. "It's fun."

Steve glanced at her in the rearview mirror. "What is it with all of you guys playing board games nowadays? Don't teenagers still go to parties and stuff?"

Tess rolled her eyes, turning her head to him. "She's not a teenager yet."

"Close enough," Erica retorted.

Theresa ignored her, Steve pulling into the parking lot of the high school. As they got out of the car, Tess saw Mike and Dustin waiting on Erica.

"Tess?" Dustin approached her and Steve. "When did you come back to town?"

"Today. I came to watch Lucas play. You guys... aren't coming?"

Mike and Dustin exchanged a look, trying to come up with a response.

"Uh– D&D campaign. I-It's really important. We wanted Lucas to be there, but I guess Erica will do," Mike replied.

Theresa folded her arms, frowning. She could not believe Lucas's closest friends were not going to be at the game.

"Okay then," she finally muttered. "Oh– what about Max? Is she gonna be at the game?"

Dustin and Mike slowly shook their heads.

"She went home, I think," Dustin informed, checking the time on his watch. "Shit, Eddie's gonna kill us! We've gotta go."

Mike and Erica followed him out of the parking lot, Tess chewing her lip in thought for a moment.

Steve placed a hand on her shoulder from beside her. "You alright?"

She gave a nod. "Yeah. I'm just kinda worried about Max. She never responded to the last letter I sent her."

Theresa walked alongside Steve toward the high school gymnasium, Steve furrowing his eyebrows.

The Killing Moon, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now