𝒙𝒗𝒊𝒊. mother theresa

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     JONATHAN FINALLY REALIZED THAT Theresa was missing, frantically running outside to find her.

Thankfully he did find her, one arm over Steve's shoulder as she giggled uncontrollably while they walked to his car.

"Steve, Tess!" Jonathan hurried over, Steve turning to him.

"Oh, hey man," Steve greeted, pulling his keys out of his pocket. "I'm gonna take Tess home. She's– yeah."

Theresa looked up at him, then over at Jonathan. "He thinks I'm drunk," she slurred, laughing again. "I'm not even that drunk, I'm just tipsy–"

"Come on Tess," Steve said with a sigh, guiding her around to the passenger side. He looked up at Jonathan who was still standing there contemplating what to do.

"Don't worry about it, dude," Steve reassured, opening the door. "I'll make sure she gets home safe."

Jonathan was torn, but he finally gave in. He trusted Steve enough now that he would do what he said he was going to, so he simply nodded.

"A-Alright. Thanks."

Steve nodded back, shutting the door once Theresa was inside. Jonathan watched them leave, checking the time on his watch. At least he could go home now.

In Steve's car, Tess would not stop talking. She kept turning the radio to different stations and screaming the words of every song at the top of her lungs. Steve knew she was not in her right state of mind, but he was still a little entertained. She was cute.

"You're not gonna remember any of this," he muttered to himself, laughing softly.

Theresa grew quiet as she looked at him for a long period of time, suddenly lunging at Steve and attacking his face with kisses.

"Tess!" he shouted, swerving on the road while she fell into a fit of laughter. She turned her body so that she was laying on her back, her head in his lap. Tess looked up at Steve and continued to cackle, Steve shaking his head with a sigh.

"Jesus Christ, you're gonna get us killed."

She smiled innocently, reaching up to mess with his hair. "I love your hair."

Steve tried to remind himself that she was drunk, but he still felt a blush come across his face. He glanced down at her, trying to focus on the road.

"Thanks. I like yours too."

The Killing Moon, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now