𝒙𝒍𝒗𝒊. you're a good person

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     EVERYONE'S HEADS TURNED UPON hearing Max's statement, eyes on Theresa.

"Wait a second, Vecna's after you too?" Nancy questioned, raising a hand with a frown. "How long have you known?"

Tess's eyes trained to the floor. She understood that she had no choice but to come clean now, quietly replying, "Since the night we found out Max was cursed. I-I realized that I was having the same symptoms as Max, but I thought it was just because of– never mind."

Robin stood up, holding her hands out. "Why– why didn't you tell any of us? Tess, what if he tries to come after you next–"

"He's not," she said, almost confidently. "He said I'm gonna be last, right? That means there's probably someone between me and Max. I don't know who it is, but I think the odds are there'll be someone else first. And if we can't stop Vecna in time... if he does make another kill before me... then we can worry."

"We can't risk that," Steve interjected, meeting her eyes. "I already told you this. I'm not waiting until something bad happens to you to do something. We saw what happened to Max. The odds are too risky, so no."

Theresa crossed her arms, setting her jaw and narrowing her eyes. "What do you suggest we do then, Steve? Right now, the only information we have on Vecna is the fact that a song somehow miraculously saved Max. That's it! There's nothing else we can do right now besides think. And if I'm gonna do that, then I need some damn aspirin!"

She turned on her heel with that, walking upstairs in search of medication. Steve sighed deeply, taking a seat in one of the chairs.

"You can't let her sacrifice herself for me," Max said to him, drawing the others' attention. "I know that's what she's gonna try to do. Promise me you won't let her."

Steve was held under Max's gaze, unsure of how to respond. Of course he would do anything in his power to protect Tess, but he also felt guilty for prioritizing her over Max.

"I-I promise," he replied with a nod, glancing away.

Meanwhile, in the bathroom upstairs, Theresa opened a bottle of pain medication and popped three pills, replacing them and closing the mirror.

She rested her hands on either side of the sink, staring at her reflection that felt vividly unreal. Tess's usual well-kept exterior had slowly deteriorated, resulting in dark eye circles and a deep crease in her brow.

Theresa closed her eyes for a moment, taking a few deep breaths before looking back up at herself.

She didn't necessarily believe in God, but she figured it wouldn't hurt to try praying at this point.

The Killing Moon, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now