𝒙𝒗. i'm gonna get shitfaced drunk

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STEVE HAD A HEAD FULL OF THOUGHTS, while Theresa had none.

It was ironic since it was usually the other way around, but in the moment Tess was taking her counselor's advice and distracting herself.

In a way, she knew she was using Steve to her advantage. She knew that he would do basically anything she asked, and without hesitation.

Steve gripped Theresa's waist, deepening their kiss by sliding his tongue into her mouth. She softly moaned, pressing her hands against his abdomen. He finally pulled away to catch his breath, blindly reaching for the door handle of the backseat.

"I missed you," he mumbled hazily, opening the door and guiding Tess inside.

She nodded absentmindedly as he crawled on top of her, pulling him down to kiss him again. Steve nearly fell over by the force of it, Theresa making it clear how much she wanted this. He began to move his hands over her breasts, kneading them while he moved his lips away from her mouth and to her neck. Theresa's eyes rolled to the back of her head, giving him much satisfaction with the way she was moaning. Steve did not want to ever move from the exact position he was in at this moment.

He knew he was leaving bruises on her neck from how hard he was sucking on it, which with her brown skin were not too noticeable– but Steve had a thing for leaving marks. Her skin tasted sweet, Steve becoming intoxicated with her scent of expensive perfume. He was convinced that nothing could have been more perfect than Theresa Sinclair.

Steve already had a hard on, which of course only grew as Tess squirmed under him and ran her fingers through his hair. He began to move his right hand lower down her body, sliding underneath her skirt.


He immediately stopped, pulling away from Theresa as she spoke. She caught her breath, meeting his eyes as she licked her swollen lips.

"Before we do this... we have to agree that there's not gonna be any feelings involved. This is just a one time thing, right?"

Steve hesitated, searching her eyes. He ignored the way his heart sank a little, finally bringing himself to nod his head.

"Y-Yeah, absolutely. No feelings."

She nodded back, then the stoic expression began to fade as Theresa slowly smirked.

"So, you were saying how much you missed me?"

Steve was internally screaming, but he played it cool.

The Killing Moon, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now