𝒙. wrong place, wrong time

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     "MISS SINCLAIR, DO YOU MIND TELLING me why I'm seeing your face for a third time?"

Theresa threw up her hands defensively, looking up at Hopper from where she sat beside Jonathan.

"I didn't even do anything! It just happened to be a... wrong place, wrong time situation."

"Sure it did," Jim halfway rolled his eyes.

From beside Jim, Jonathan's mother was biting her nails and shaking her head. She had just gotten done letting the deputies hear it about Jonathan being handcuffed.

"Chief," Deputy Powell said in a calm voice, "there's something you need to see."

Theresa looked up with realization, dropping her head with a sigh. They were really done for now.

Powell led Hopper and Callahan outside, leaving Joyce wondering what was going on.

"Jonathan, tell me what happened." She rested her hands against the desk, meeting his eyes. He looked away at once, not saying anything.

Tess felt bad for him. She tapped her foot, pursing her lips.

"It wasn't his fault, Ms. Byers," she finally spoke up.

Before Joyce could reply, Jim returned with a box in his hands. He slammed it aggressively on the desk in front of Joyce, Tess and Jonathan giving each other a wide-eyed look.

"What is this?" Joyce questioned, shaking her head with mild confusion.

"Why don't you ask your son?" Hopper replied. "We found it in his car."

Theresa registered just then that they didn't know it was her car. She raised a finger, opening her mouth to speak. "Um, actually–"

"Do you really think you should be saying anything right now?" Hopper cut her off.

She closed her mouth, sitting back in silence.

Hopper looked to Jonathan. "I want to see you in my office." He turned his head to Tess. "And you get out of here. I'm gonna give your parents a call later."

Theresa whipped her head up. "What? Why? I didn't do anything!"

"Don't push it, Sinclair." Jim pointed a daring finger at her, then gestured for Jonathan to get up.

The Killing Moon, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now