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THE HEARTFELT CONVERSATION TESS and Steve were having was interrupted crudely by the return of the Russian general.

They went quiet as the door opened, the general walking in with a cynical laugh.

"Am I interrupting something?" he sneered.

Tess gritted her teeth as two other soldiers came and forced she and Steve upright once more, the general walking around to face Steve.

"Try telling the truth this time, yes?"

Theresa kept her eyes on the bald man wearing a white coat in front of her. She could not see was he was toying with, but she had an uneasy feeling about it.

"It will make your visit with Dr. Zharkov less painful," the general continued.

The doctor walked around to Steve's side, Tess craning her neck to try and see what he was holding.

"Wait a sec, hold on," Steve frantically said. "Okay, wait wait wait! What is that thing?"

The doctor smiled. "It will help you talk."

Theresa's eyes widened as Steve moved furiously, screaming as the doctor brought a needle to his neck.

"Hey!" Tess yelled. "Hey! What the fuck are you doing–"

"Quiet, piz'da," the general spat at her, coming around to her side. "It is your turn next."

The doctor faced her, Theresa's eyes widening as she saw the needle he was holding. She never outwardly admitted it, but Tess was absolutely mortified of needles.

"Wait!" she pleaded. "Wait, please! I'll talk, I'll talk! Just– don't inject me!"

After a moment, the general slowly started to chuckle.

"Well well well, we have found the suka's weakness." He waved a hand to the doctor, the man backing off.

Theresa glared up into the general's cold eyes, just as cruel as her own.

"Talk. Or maybe, we can give your boyfriend few more bruises, hm?"

She drew in a shaky breath, trying to think. Tess wanted to buy them some time, even though Steve had already been injected. She had no idea what would happen to him now.

"You know, I feel like you guys should really invest in some better outfits."

The general blinked, puzzled. "What?"

The Killing Moon, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now