𝒍𝒊𝒊𝒊. go to hell

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THE LAST PLACE THERESA HAD BEEN expecting to spend her spring break was at the 'War Zone.'

However, her interest was piqued as she walked inside and saw something that caught her eye: weapons.

She observed the other people in the store, the exact kind of people they had been hoping to avoid. Nonetheless, that was not going to stop them.

Tess turned her head to Steve. "Try to find a shirt, yeah? And some shoes."

Steve looked down at his bare feet, giving a nod. "Yeah. On it."

"I'm gonna go look at guns."

He quickly brought his head up, but Theresa was already walking away. Nancy followed up right behind her, wanting to see the guns for herself as well.

"These are real pretty," Nancy muttered, eyeing a few rifles. "Can I see this one?" she asked the man behind the counter, who removed it from the case and handed it over to her.

Theresa folded her arms, studying the weapons. "I want that .22 carbine."

The man raised his eyebrows, but finally gave a nod and retrieved the rifle for her. While Tess examined it, she and Nancy both heard a familiar voice to their right. They exchanged a look, but it was too late; he had already seen them.

"Nancy, Theresa," Jason leaned against the counter, eyeing them with suspicion. "What are you two doing here?"

Theresa swore in her head, looking around the store. She saw them now– letterman jacket-wearing teenage boys all throughout the store. They had to get out of there.

"I'm gonna go pay for this," Tess said to Nancy, her eyes only leaving Jason for a brief moment to give Nancy a signaling look.

She spotted Erica with a shopping cart, hurrying over to her.


"We need to go," Erica finished with a curt nod of understanding, wheeling the cart around.

Tess turned on her heel and instantly collided with someone, taking a step back with wide eyes.


Rudy stood there, a hunting knife in his hand and a smile forming on his face. Theresa's grip tightened on the rifle, glancing around to see if any of her group were still there.

The Killing Moon, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now