𝒊𝒙. posse of bitches

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THE FOOTBALL STADIUM WAS FAR TOO crowded by the time Theresa arrived.

Lucas came with her, only by demand of their mother. It was clear neither of the Sinclair siblings wanted to be there.

"Can we make this quick?" Lucas grumbled, following alongside Tess.

She rolled her eyes. "It's not like you have anything better to do anyway."

"You don't know that!" he countered, throwing up his hands.

Theresa whipped her head over, shooting him a look. "Okay, well I really don't give a shit. Just shut up and find something to do."

Lucas briefly stared at her with contempt, then rolled his eyes and walked away to a group of kids around his age. Tess was looking around for Sidney, knowing she was probably huddled in a group crying or something.

Her intuition was correct, as Theresa spotted her standing with four other girls who all seemed to be consoling Sidney. Fighting the urge to roll her eyes, Tess walked over.

Sidney raised her head as Theresa approached, an alarmed expression suddenly appearing on her face.

"Sidney," Theresa smiled. "So sorry to interrupt, but do you mind if we talk for a sec?"

The other girls eyed Tess warily, then looked at Sidney. She clutched a wad of tissues in her hands, stumbling over her words.

"Uh– I-I can't right now. The memorial is about to start," Sidney replied at once.

Theresa folded her hands in front of her, drawing in a deep breath. She pulled her lips in, almost laughing.

"I'll find you right after then. Oh, and– by the way– I know how hard this must be for you. You know, since it was all your fault anyway."

Sidney's mouth fell open, unable to reply as Tess turned and started to walk away. But as she did, Theresa heard someone mutter from behind her, "Such a bitch."

She very clearly knew it was Sidney's voice. Theresa spun on her heel as fast as she could, taking a step toward Sidney while bringing a hand around to slap her across the face.

The girls surrounding them gasped, everyone turning to see what was happening.

Tess reached out and shoved Sidney with enough force to knock her to the ground.

The Killing Moon, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now