𝒙𝒍𝒊. ghosts and shit

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     "SO WAIT A SECOND... YOU WERE seriously friends with Eddie Munson?"

Theresa ignored Steve's question and pinched the bridge of her nose with a deep sigh, folding one arm underneath the other.

"It's a long story, alright–"

"It's actually not," Eddie interrupted, pointedly looking at Tess. "I was too much of a loser for you, plain and simple–"

"You need to stop talking," she took a threatening step toward him, leaning down to eye level with Eddie.

Theresa glared, jabbing a finger into his chest. "Now tell us what happened last night. Why is Chrissy Cunningham dead?"

Eddie rubbed his chest where Tess poked him, his stupid grin fading as fear took place on his face.

He broke eye contact, eyes darting around the room as Eddie gave a small shake of his head.

"You won't believe me."

"Try us," Max shrugged.

Theresa stood up straight, grabbing a stool nearby and dragging it over in front of Eddie to sit down. She crossed her arms, visibly annoyed but trying to mask it.

Eddie looked up at them all, unsure of where to begin as they watched him expectantly.

He rubbed his chin. "Her body just– like– lifted up into the air. Y'know, and uh– she just... hung there. In the air. And her bones, um–"

Squeezing his eyes shut tightly, Eddie rocked forward a bit as if not wishing to relive what he had experienced. Tess's expression softened, sitting forward with some concern.

"Her bones started to snap," Eddie finished. "Her eyes, man. It was– it was like there was something, like, inside her head, pulling. I-I didn't know what to do so I-I... I ran away."

He broke off, exhaling deeply. "I left her there."

Theresa and the others all looked at him in silence for a moment, Eddie scoffing.

"You all think I'm crazy, right?"

Tess halfway shrugged in agreement but Dustin replied, "No. We don't think you're crazy–"

"Don't bullshit me, man!" Eddie's voice cracked, wavering. "I know how this sounds!"

"We're not bullshitting you," Max responded.

The Killing Moon, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now