𝒙𝒙𝒊𝒊. we're fucking screwed

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"Yes," Dustin replied to Lucas with exasperation, "he had the exact same yellow pattern on his butt."

Theresa glanced at him, then simply sighed. They were currently walking down the railroad tracks with no end in sight, trying to head back to Tess' car while they thought of a plan.

"He was tiny two days ago," Max cut in.

"Well he's molted three times already," Dustin responded, Steve frowning.


Tess turned her head to Steve, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Molted, Steve," she shook her head again. "Seriously, go back to fifth grade."

Steve sharply looked at her, pointing the flashlight in her face. "Not all of us are secret nerds like you, Tess, mkay?"

She scoffed, offended. "I am not a nerd!"

"You kinda are," Lucas remarked with realization, staring off into the distance. "Oh my God, you're a nerd!"

Theresa was shooting him a look.

"Kiss my ass. Both of you," she glared at Steve who was smirking.

"You're a nerd," he muttered quietly, laughing softly.

Tess stopped walking, turning on him.

"Alright, you know what? You can walk home."

Steve sighed. "Tess, I was just kidding–"

"That's too bad, you're walking home."

"What if the Demogorgon comes back and eats me? I bet you'll feel really bad then, won't you?"

Tess smiled cynically. "No, not at all. At least something would want you, right?"

Her words stung a little bit, wiping Steve's smirk right off of his face. Lucas, Dustin and Max all stood there watching them argue, growing annoyed.

"That was a low blow," Steve mumbled, turning and continuing to walk.

Theresa kept her flashlight pointed in front of her as she walked, saying, "Where the hell is Hopper? Or Ms. Byers, or any adult for that matter? We need to tell someone that there are like five Demogorgons on the loose and one of them has already eaten a cat–"

The Killing Moon, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now