𝒙𝒙𝒊𝒙. a trip to china

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STEVE AND DUSTIN HEARD SOMEONE clear their throat from behind them.

They both turned, peering up at none other than Theresa with her arms folded and a quizzical stare.

"H-Hey Tess," Steve smiled, while Dustin gave a wave.

She pursed her lips with amusement. "Steve. Why are you hiding behind a plant and staring at people with binoculars?"

He exchanged a look with Dustin, the both of them looking back to her with innocent expressions.

"We... we're looking for evil Russians," Dustin explained, flashing a toothy grin.

Theresa nodded slowly, poking her tongue in her cheek. "Mhm. And you guys do realize that you're like– totally not discreet at all whatsoever? I could see you from all the way across the mall."

Steve stammered, "W-Well, I– we were–"

"You're both idiots, you know that?"

She reached down, snatching the binoculars from around Steve's neck as he and Dustin stood up. Tess laughed in disbelief at the fact that they literally had binoculars to spy on people, Dustin taking them back from her as she continued to laugh.

"This is serious stuff, okay?" Dustin defended, glaring at her before turning and raising the binoculars to his eyes. "If there are really Russians infiltrating Starcourt, we could have the breakthrough of a lifetime."

"Oh," Theresa played along. "Okay. And so– what exactly are these Russians supposed to look like?"

Dustin shrugged. "Tall, blonde. Not smiling. Wearing camo, carrying a duffel bag."

She eyed Steve, who made a face and turned back around. Suddenly, Dustin blindly hit him on the arm.

"Target acquired."


"Ten o'clock, Sam Goody's," he handed the binoculars to Steve, who peered through them to see whatever Dustin had seen.

Tess stood there with a shake of her head, picking at her nails.

"Shit," Steve muttered. "...Duffel bag."

The two boys turned to each other, looking as if they were thinking the exact same thing.

"Evil Russian," they spoke in unison.

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