𝒙𝒙. he ate my cat

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     THE NEXT DAY, THE SINCLAIR FAMILY were all sitting at the table having lunch when Lucas asked a peculiar question.



"When Mom's mad at you, how do you make her not mad?"

Theresa glanced over at Lucas from her plate, narrowing her eyes. Then, she slowly began to smile when she realized who this was about.

"Hm," Mrs. Sinclair smiled, facing her husband. "That's a great question. How do you, hon?"

Mr. Sinclair did not even look up from his newspaper, responding, "First, I apologize. Then, I get your mother whatever she wants."

Lucas frowned. "Even when she's wrong?"

Theresa laughed, picking up her glass of orange juice.

"Women are never wrong, Lucas. That's the first rule of thumb in any relationship," Tess informed him.

Mrs. Sinclair nodded in agreement. "That's right."

Lucas focused on his plate for a long moment, then stood up and took it into the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Mrs. Sinclair questioned, Lucas stopping in the doorway.

"To... hang out with Dustin."

Theresa furrowed her eyebrows, then realized what he was really doing. Her eyes widened, standing up and following after him.

He was already outside, picking up his bike when Tess got to him.


He paused, turning to her with a face of confusion.


Theresa took a few steps forward. "Where are you going?"

Lucas' eyes darted to the side.

"I told you. To hang out with Dustin–"

"Don't bullshit me," she cut off, giving him a sharp look. "Just tell me. Where are you going?"

He tapped his foot, then finally caved with a sigh.

"To the arcade, to talk to Max. I owe her an apology."

The Killing Moon, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now